Chapter 20

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It was nearly ten o’clock when we got home. During the inspection, the two of them had eaten dinner provided by the hospital, and they were not hungry.

He Jiang: “Go to bed early, I will take a promotional photo tomorrow, and it will be officially recorded the day after tomorrow.”

Shang Jing put his fingers on the crack of the door and said, “The doctor said that you can wake up your memory by playing games.”

He Jiang decisively refused: “Don’t fight.”

Although there are plans to pursue the business scene at this stage, it does not mean that the business scene agrees to whatever it says.

Three years ago, most of the communication between the two was in the game. Shangjing would lose sleep when he played a game, which means that the two would lose sleep as soon as they communicated. , or He Jiang?

If the imprecise brain of the business scene is wrong, how can it produce a sense of security? No wonder Shang Jing lost his memory to prevent him.

Once he figured out this equation, He Jiang would definitely not make the same mistake again.

“I can mute!”

He Jiang: “Don’t play.”

Shang Jing asked again for the game to fail, and returned to the house discouraged.

It’s not interesting to play this game alone. Why doesn’t He Jiang always play with him? He won’t dislike He Jiang’s rookie.

The next day, Lin Lin personally came to pick up the two of them to take a promotional photo in the studio.

“Would you like to find an assistant for Xiaojing too?”

He Jiang poured red dates and wolfberry water into the thermos, tightened the bottle cap, and said in a natural tone, “I’ll do it.”

Lin Lin: “…” Your uncle’s three assistants will serve you, and then you will serve your wife, which really saves the studio money.

He Jiang opened the car door, let Shang Jing sit in, and then sat in the back seat, worrying like sending a child to kindergarten for the first time: “Don’t run around in unfamiliar places, follow me as much as possible, and call me if you have anything. Lin Lin, assistant, they are on 24 hours a day.”

Shang Jing: “Okay.”

He Jiang opened the shooting process and went through ten lines at a glance. There was nothing difficult. After the shooting, they would also record a theme song together, called “Prelude to Marriage”.

Singing is not difficult for the business scene, and it can even cover difficult places such as inversion and treble.

It was He Jiang who had the problem. Some people acted and you sang, but He Jiang was definitely not included. He hardly ever sang.

However, as an investor, He Jiang opened a back door for himself. He only needs to answer with a smile when Shang Jing sings the lyrics containing “husband”.

He Jiang closed the book, “Let’s practice first.”

Shang Jing: “Practice what?”

He Jiang ceased to be a human being: “Shout, husband, listen to me.”

Business View: “…”

He Jiang: “It’s the character of your own wife that you mentioned. I don’t think you look alike recently. You act first, and I’ll give you some tips.”

Shang Jing’s fist on his knee clenched suddenly. He used to call his husband because he wanted to ask He Jiang, so he blurted out when he was in a hurry. Do not export.

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