Chapter 45

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He Jiang’s impulsive behavior is two points because he wants to see if his wife is intersex, and three points is that he will never be convinced of Shang Jingfen’s nonsense reason for breaking up. He would rather believe more nonsense reasons, and the remaining five points are out of his own way. Daredevil.

The moment he saw Shang Jing stretch out his hand to ask him for a bath towel, He Jiang’s IQ was selectively engulfed by the torrent of desire.

Shangjing had just soaked in the hot water bath for 20 minutes, and there was a warm pink in every place. The water droplets in the depression of the collarbone flowed around unexpectedly. The smog on the branches of honeysuckle is full of red and lustrous.

He Jiang’s Adam’s apple rolled, and he lost his reason again, taking away his self-control by the way. Shang Jing was wet, and the ankles in his palms were wet and delicate.

Shang Jing was stunned by the sudden change, and when he fully received how he was facing He Jiang, the conditioned reflex of his feet stiffened.

He Jiang, who was holding his wife’s ankle, naturally noticed Shang Jing’s energy accumulation immediately, but he didn’t immediately abandon the bed and run away.

Three seconds later, He Jiang groaned, and was kicked on the shoulder by Shang Jing and turned over.

“Shameless! Rogue!”

Shang Jing immediately pulled the quilt to cover his waist, his cheeks flushed, his breathing was tight, and the heat he spit out seemed to be able to take away the residual water vapor in the bath.

It’s okay to be a hooligan when he’s not ready, and he doesn’t even know how to repent when he is stopped by violence! Why… still pinching his ass!

Although it was said that if He Jiang didn’t want to pinch his **** and let go of his ankle, he might not have the strength to break free and kick the scumbag precisely.

Seeing that He Jiang didn’t continue to go mad, Shang Jing took the time to wrap himself up with dumplings.

The quilt in He Jiang’s bedroom was lake blue, with dark lines embroidered with silver light on the edges, like a lake of clear and gentle lake water.

In order to strengthen the momentum of the crusade against the disciples, Shang Jing stood up from the bed with difficulty and looked down at He Jiang who was sitting on the ground.

“What the **** are you doing!”

He Jiang licked his back molars, the Shang Jing in his eyes was like a puppet emperor with no real power at the moment.

The little emperor looked down at him aggressively, but he knew that there was no covering clothes under the quilt, and even the quilt was dragged from his bed.

He Jiang said sternly: “I heard it wrong, I thought you figured it out.”

Shang Jing widened his eyes and kicked his legs: “You still don’t admit it!”

He Jiang looked at Shang Jing amusingly, but his eyes were like a deep pool, staring at him: “Okay, I admit it. What are you going to do?”

“I, I…” Shang Jing was speechless when asked by He Jiang, he hadn’t thought of what to do.

For himself, he can’t find life and death.

Yu He Jiang, what can he do with He Jiang? A tooth for a tooth?

He Jiang reflected on himself: “I was wrong, there is my breath in the quilt that wraps you, is this a hooligan?”

He didn’t say it was okay, but when he said it, Shang Jing felt that every inch of his skin and the quilt hugged was burning, like Princess Pea touching rough hemp, and the wind was leaking everywhere, and the wind was blowing fire.

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