Chapter 25

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Yang Yue: “Hahaha…Well, a little baby can improve the stability of heterosexual marriages, and it can also make **** people realize the preciousness of the two-person world. Hahahaha indirectly improves happiness…”

Shang Jing returned to He Jiang like a walking corpse and put his head on his back.

Why, he doesn’t understand.

He Jiang’s back trembled slightly, apparently because he was holding back his laughter.

What are you laughing at, how can you laugh at him with other people.

Shang Jing asked in a low voice, “Did you really remind me just now?”

He Jiang: “Yes.”

Shang Jing pursed his lips, and blamed He Jiang for not reminding him enough: “Are you really an investor in the show team? Why does the director always bully you and me?”

He Jiang farms the land, he brings the baby, what kind of sweet life in the 1980s is this?

Shouldn’t it be played by Mr. Cen, who specializes in period dramas?

He Jiang was silent, who made her boyfriend feel bad.

After a while, Yang Yue pushed a stroller, and inside it was sleeping a little baby carved in pink and jade, wearing a Tang suit vest and a tiger-headed hat.

“His nickname is Nannan, and he is almost one year old. He is not afraid of life. He likes being hugged. Anyone can be hugged. He just fell asleep after drinking milk. The time limit for bringing the baby is four hours.”

Shang Jing squatted beside the stroller, turned off the microphone, and said softly, “Can he sleep for four hours?”

Yang Yue: “I don’t have this record during the day, but it can be done at night.”

Shang Jing: “Then our group will bring the baby, what about the other groups?”

Yang Yue: “You are the one who brought the baby. He Jiang will go with the other groups to visit the ancient wedding culture and folklore museum.”

Shang Jing’s eyes widened, why is it still widowed parenting?

He Jiang simply said, “I’m not going.”

Yang Yue confirmed: “After the visit, there will be a quick question and answer session about wedding knowledge. If you don’t go, the last one will be deducted points.”

He Jiang: “After this session, the live broadcast will connect with me, and that’s it.”

Director: Would you like to be the director?

Shang Jing curled the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at the little baby, and thought to himself, your temporary father is still quite conscientious.

He took the stroller from Yang Yue. At this moment, Nan Nan in the stroller woke up, rolled around and sat up, his chubby little hands grabbed the edge of the car, turned his head and stared at Shang Jing curiously. Look.

The two looked at each other for three seconds, Nannan touched the side, grabbed his bottle, and shook it vigorously towards Shang Jing.

Empty, no milk.

Shang Jing: “…” Did you just fall asleep after drinking the milk?

Just drinking milk is fake, just falling asleep is fake.

The child’s mother was watching the live broadcast in a certain room, and a somewhat embarrassed voice came from Shang Jing’s headset: “Nannan can eat better…”

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