Chapter 58

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The business scene changed the subject: “Are you staying overnight tonight and eating more?”

He Jiang put a leek dumpling for Shang Jing: “Come on, go to my room to sleep when you’re full, don’t stay here.”

Shang Jing: “I’m not sleepy. I want to see you filming. Why didn’t you tell me when you were filming at night? I won’t send messages during the day and it will affect your sleep.”

He Jiang always responds to his messages in seconds, except in the middle of filming, He Jiang will also hand over his mobile phone to his assistant.

Shang Jing finished sending the message in one second, and the assistant would contact him the next second to say that He Jiang was filming, how many minutes it would take.

The sense of security is enough, but Shang Jing will also feel sorry for He Jiang in turn.

Shang Jing took He Jiang’s hand and looked at his thumb carefully. The light was dim, and Shang Jing looked closer, but couldn’t find the frostbite.

Did he really miss it?

Shang Jing pressed the small tube in the pocket of the down jacket, and he even went to the dermatologist to prescribe frostbite cream.

And the doctor didn’t even see it was fake.

He Jiang pulled his hand back: “It’s said that the makeup artist’s handwriting, you don’t believe it.”

Shang Jing glared at him: “You always lie to me and have no credibility, understand?”

The air was freezing cold, and a cloud of white air would be exhaled without saying a word.

Shang Jing’s cheeks were slightly red from the cold, like the last apple on the branch.

He Jiang opened his military coat and jacket, wrapped the business dog and rubbed it fiercely: “I have no credibility? Are you afraid of another person holding a gun at you?”

Shang Jing pressed close to He Jiang and said honestly, “I’m afraid.”

In the mobile game Eat Chicken, shooting at teammates will not cause damage to teammates. In group melee, most players shoot a shuttle of bullets directly, but He Jiang will not. Even if the enemy and Shang Jing face each other, he will never On the commercial scene, he cared for his wife in every detail.

He Jiang sighed: “My wife really loves me.”

Shang Jing: “What do you say!”

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and He Jiang returned to the topic: “Go to my room and warm the bed.”

Shang Jing: “Don’t…”

He Jiang kissed the corner of his eye: “I’m too sleepy to open my eyes.”

Shang Jing said wisely: “You must have shot when you were filming later. I won’t be sleepy after listening to it.”

He Jiang gave a “haha”: “You are quite self-aware. Xiaobei, come in.”

Xiaobei opened the door and came in: “Boss?”

He Jiang: “Send Shang Jing back to my dormitory.”

What Shang Jing wanted to say, He Jiang threatened: “Do you want to go back to the dormitory to sleep, or let me book a flight ticket for you?”

Shang Jing scolded and walked out, and wanted to wrong the good person: “I don’t dare to let me watch the emotional drama next, right?”

He Jiang smiled, but did not refute.

There will be no emotional drama tonight. The highlight of He Jiang and the other actors is the nighttime ambush. Your teeth will be frozen. There will be wind and snow, but no romance.

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