Chapter 59

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When He Jiang was filming, Shang Jing would stand farther away, so as not to affect his performance, but when he was putting on makeup, Shang Jing would be watching from the side.

The makeup artist was very fast. After a few brushes, He Jiang’s temperament became cold, reminiscent of Bai Feng with a sword hidden under the snow.

Shang Jing: “It’s amazing.”

Makeup artist: “If you have good skin like you, makeup is easy, otherwise it will take a long time for concealer.”

The filter of the movie is not like some TV series. Everyone’s face is like a blank sheet of paper, and there is no color difference between A, B, C, and D.

Shang Jing: “You are really working hard. You have to follow up with makeup one after another.”

Makeup artist: “If a handsome guy like you comes to chat with me, I will immediately have no pain in my waist or sore legs. When He Jiang is filming, how about I fix your eyebrows?”

The makeup artist has pigtails, smart clothes, and most importantly, he’s unmarried.

He Jiang snorted coldly, make-up is the job of the makeup artist’s assistant, and the big-name makeup artist only cares about the first time. Also took the opportunity to set up close!

Shang Jing touched his eyebrows: “Huh? Do you want to fix it?”

Makeup artist: “You can change the eyebrow shape, it will give people a completely different feeling. Believe me, there is a eyebrow shape that suits you very well.”

Shang Jing was a little moved. He Jiang’s temperament was changeable in and out of the play. If he was not fashionable, how could he be a family member.

He Jiang snorted, how romantic it is to give his wife thrush in ancient times, he has not done it yet, can he give others the lead?

He Jiang said lightly, “Xiaojing’s eyebrows are very heroic, like his father.”

Shang Jing blinked, the first time someone said that his eyebrows looked like his father, he happily touched it again: “I’m not cultivating it anymore!”

Makeup artist: “…”

He Jiang raised her hand and asked the makeup artist seriously, “Can I wear a ring when filming?”

Shang Jing pushed He Jiang, “You can put it down first, I’ll keep it for you.”

You are an actor, why ask such an unprofessional question!

The makeup artist also made He Jiang stunned by this question. Who wore the ring in the battle scene? Is the modern style to make netizens find fault?

Because the actor usually behaves too professionally, occasionally cooperates with the scene, and also makes remarkable comments on the makeup, the makeup artist asked curiously: “Do you want to conceal the protagonist’s family before the decisive battle?”

No, He Jiang is simply to show that the business scene has a family.

He said, “Shang Jing just put it on me last night, and I can’t bear to take it off.”

The makeup artist ate a handful of dog food and said angrily, “If you’re really reluctant, I’ll put makeup on your ring finger, just like covering your thumb with a special material for frostbite.”

Don’t pull me when the director is cursing.

Shang Jing reacted: “You lied to me again!”

He took the screenshot of the video and went to find a doctor for He Jiang to prescribe medicine, but he said that the doctor didn’t see it as fake, why he couldn’t find the frostbite all of a sudden.

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