Chapter 52

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The volume of the wooden box is basically the same as that of an upright piano, but Shangjing still got the same joy as opening the blind box.

Ten minutes later, Shang Jing packed up the boards and nails and planned to hire someone to move it up to the sixth floor.

The landlord heard the voice and came out to see, and said to Shang Jing: “It’s very troublesome to move it up and down. There is a small spare room on the first floor. If you don’t dislike it, just move there to practice the piano.”

“Yes! Thank you uncle.”

After the piano and stools were placed in the small room, there was basically only one aisle left, and there was no room for a two-meter bed, but fortunately a window was opened.

Shang Jing touched the mahogany shell of the piano. The texture is smooth and delicate, and some slight wear can be seen. The keys have been struck countless times.

Shang Jing sat in front of the piano and tried a piece of music, but unexpectedly weighed his hands. It was like a reunion of old friends. With his eyes closed, he could recall every structure of the piano.

He must have used this one to practice the piano before!

The old landlord also gave him the key to the small room, and told Shangjing that the residents of this building are basically all employees of a nearby factory, working from 9 to 9, and he would go out during the day to play chess, play numb, and practice the piano with the old neighbors. It can be during the day, but not at night.

Shang Jing: “Thank you uncle, I’ll be enough for three or four hours a day, I won’t bother you.”

He placed the piano and carried the 30-pound clothes bag upstairs.

The clothes were vacuumed and wrapped in three layers of waterproof bags. Shang Jing carefully opened the package with scissors, for fear of accidentally cutting the clothes.

Down jackets, pajamas, jeans, sweaters, long pants… all of a sudden swelled up, prompting him that he needed a cloakroom.

The clothes were all new, smelled faintly of soap, and had apparently been washed before they were sent.

Shang Jing folded his clothes into the cabinet one by one, thinking to himself that the clothes he bought in the past were also in line with the current aesthetics and were not outdated at all. No need to buy any more clothes this winter, saving a ton of money.

After finishing the clothes, there is a box of underwear left.

Shang Jing opened the box of **** and was suddenly stunned.

Is this the underwear worn by serious people? Small video practitioners don’t dress like this, right?

Have you been this way before?

Shang Jing sat on the bed, lost in thought.

In fact, it is easy to understand, normal underwear is not expensive, and there is no need to send it back from the United States.

It is more expensive to pay for the domestic ones to go by sea, and it is reluctant to throw them away.

Shang Jing rubbed the fabric and workmanship of his underwear, and the heat immediately spread from his fingertips to his face. It does look expensive, but…

Still the question, why did he buy this before?

Fortunately, the package arrived after he moved out, otherwise it would definitely be used as an excuse to open it up in front of He Jiang.

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