Chapter 56

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Facing his wife’s request for help, He Jiang, who carried the twelfth dog in his pocket, was as steady as an old dog.

His Adam’s apple rolled up and down, frowned and asked, “What’s the matter? Didn’t you say you threw it in the trash?”

Shang Jing hesitated and said, “I’m afraid of being seen by the nurses… We will go to this hospital often in the future, don’t we?”

“You hurry back and go back. Before your mother finds it, let’s look for it… Let’s say, let’s say I lost a button!”

“Don’t think I’m the only one to be ashamed of, your mother must think it fell out of your pocket!”

He Jiang glanced at Shang Jing’s clothes and trousers in the rearview mirror, then slowly parked the car in the parking space on the side of the road, and tapped the steering wheel with her knuckled fingers, “A button is missing? May I ask what your clothes are? Are there any buttons?”

“Yeah…” Shang Jing glanced at his clothes angrily. The down jacket only had zippers, and there was no place for buttons to drop in his outfit today.

“Then what?”

“It’s easy to handle.” He Jiang pressed his finger and slipped a pair of small black scissors out of the dark grid.

He leaned over, pushed aside Shang Jing’s big coat, and snapped the only button on the lower abdomen of the jeans.

He Jiang’s movements were too smooth, and when he leaned over, he blocked Shang Jing’s sight, until He Jiang put away the scissors, Shang Jing still didn’t respond.

He Jiang spread out his palm: “Here.”

Shang Jing stared at the button and choked speechlessly: “How can you cut this, my pants will fall off when I stand up.”

And how could the fasteners of the jeans fall off? Mama He wouldn’t think that he broke down after eating it, right? What a shame.

He Jiang: “You stay in the car, I’ll go in and look for it.”

Shang Jing tried his best to sit upright while sucking his stomach. Without the fixed button, the zipper of the jeans would not be restrained and would always open downwards.

But pulling the zipper on He Jiang’s car was a little rude, and Shang Jing pressed the long down jacket with both hands, pretending to be light.

He Jiang reversed the car, and when he drove to the door of He’s house, he slowed down a little, but did not stop, but drove straight ahead.

Shang Jing glanced at the building outside the window. That’s right, that’s where he came from just now, “Did you drive too far? I remember that you went in at this door this morning.”

He Jiang praised: “I have a good memory. In the future, I will not be at home for filming. You can go to your parents for dinner and find a time to change your driver’s license application to Chinese.”

Business View’s US driver’s license was found in the first rental house.

Shang Jing: “Do you only need to take subject one… Wait! I didn’t tell you this! Why didn’t you go in?”

He Jiang looked ahead: “I just remembered that when Wangwang was interacting with you, I saw a condom on the ground, and I put it away.”

Shang Jing breathed a sigh of relief: “Fortunately, you saw it.”

After three seconds, Shang Jing turned his head sharply: “No! You must have remembered it long ago! Why did you cut my buttons on purpose! The zippers are all open!”

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