Chapter 55

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Shang Jing was more wronged than Dou E, and wanted to ram his head under He Jiang’s feet to restore his memory to prove his innocence, or put his underwear in He Jiang’s mouth to tell him to stop talking.

The material is so stingy, it may be enough to plug two more.

He Jiang put away the box of underwear and put it in Shang Jing’s pocket, “Keep it well, don’t lose it, it will be used later.”

Shang Jing’s cheeks were as red as a little daughter-in-law: “I don’t think I bought it.”

He Jiang wondered: “Where did that come from?”

Knowing to ask, Shang Jing was dead and broke: “I remember, I made a boyfriend last year, maybe he fell with me.”

He Jiang’s eyes suddenly sank, the most worrying thing happened, even if it was nonsense.

“You organize the language again.”

Shang Jing raised his eyes and looked at He Jiang, heh, shameless people are invincible in the world, he can be regarded as finding the weakness of shameless He Jiang.

But now I don’t want to be serious.

He returned to China to find He Jiang to get back together, not to create a misunderstanding.

Shang Jing changed his words decisively: “I seem to have misremembered the time. Anyway, I vaguely think that my boyfriend bought it.”

Being recognized as a “boyfriend”, He Jiang was in a happy mood.

I was more or less worried before. After Shang Jing regained his memory, would he need to clear the progress of his efforts to pursue his wife again? Shang Jing’s words proved that this time he was chasing his wife effectively.

And it’s almost there.

Business Jing got enlightened, and put their relationship into the category of love.

He Jiang asked casually, “Did you find another sparring partner later?”

Shang Jing felt that if he answered “yes”, Judge He could sentence him to life imprisonment on the spot.

“No, it’s not necessary, it’s enough to watch the news broadcast.” Shang Jing hinted euphemistically, “I’m focusing on my studies and want to go back to China as soon as possible. I can’t tell the time for the rest.”

He Jiang was hit by a small straight ball in the heart, and was about to hug Shang Xiaojing for a rub, when he heard Shang Jing’s yin and yang strangely say: “But there is still time to read the news, you have a lot of scandals, you deserve to be a famous celebrity Actor.”

The more Shang Jing thought about it, the more angry he became. He sat on the bed and looked straight at He Jiang: “Your movie is really popular, and there is also a movie theater next to our school.”

He Jiang: “You still paid for it?”

He seems to have overlooked something. The current attitude of Shang Puppies seems to be not only because he was moved by him during the amnesia period, but … Shang Jing has the mind of reconciliation when he returns to China.

The narcissistic conjectures and assumptions he made after receiving the business scene in the hospital seemed to be verified bit by bit.

But at this time, He Jiang would rather that Shang Jing didn’t like him three years ago.

When he was dating online, He Jiang wanted to show the film and television contract to Shang Jing first, and the other party nodded before signing the contract. If Shang Jing was not satisfied with the interaction of the plot, he would not act.

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