Chapter 57

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He Jiang stretched out his hand to wrap the fur on Shang Jing’s body tightly, just like wrapping a zongzi, and not a little bit of white glutinous rice could be exposed, otherwise his appetite would skyrocket before it was time to cook.

After wrapping up, he stared at Shang Jing, frowning for a while and pondering.

When Shang Jing received his stern gaze, the soles of his feet were numb, and there was a panic of “but please die quickly” in his heart.

What is He Jiang planning?

He just wants to go to bed normally, and doesn’t want to do any weird play!

He felt more and more that today was the best time. He Jiang had just been found by He Jiang and suffered a little injury. He Jiang should be merciful.

And He Jiang had to catch a flight tomorrow, so he would be able to rest after one visit. He had seen He Jiangneng… several times with his own eyes.

If it doesn’t work once, He Jiang will leave tomorrow, and they will be separated for a month and a half, so everyone doesn’t need to be embarrassed.

This kind of thing cannot be carefully planned by the dog man, and the longer it drags on, the more it will fall below his downline.

Shang Jing wanted to use “Are you not good enough” to stimulate He Jiang, but looking at He Jiang’s forbearance, he didn’t dare to take the initiative to seek death.

He Jiang seemed to have figured out something, and squeezed Shang Jing’s face, leaving two red marks on his face: “What did you say you kissed several times?”

“I remember we only kissed once, right? Have you regained your memory?”

Business View: “…”

Why are you still thinking about such deep questions?

He was trying to figure out how to get around, but he must not restore his memory at such a moment, how embarrassing.

He Jiang said, “Are you having a spring dream, Shang Puppy?”

Pretend to be a business puppy who has amnesia and is full of loopholes. As long as He Jiang exposes it as needed, teases it and helps him round it back, this game can be played for free for one year.

Business scene with a criminal record: “…”

With a sullen face, he said fiercely, “Can’t you!”

He Jiang: “Okay, but I’ll get paid for appearing in your dream.”

Facts have proved that the actor’s appearance fee is really high, and he does not follow the studio’s flow, but collects it privately, which is a kind of moral corruption.

The next day, the first thing He Jiang did when she woke up was to contact the housekeeping service to pick up the item and wash the huge and expensive piece of fur.

It may be that the villain has done too much. He Jiang received a call from Lin Lin just after hanging up the housekeeping call.

“The crew of “Bai Feng” contacted us and said that they would join the crew immediately. The weather forecast is that there will be a blizzard a few days later in the shooting location. This is a rare opportunity, and the part of the blizzard night must be finished immediately.”

After the blizzard, the traffic is inconvenient, and the group is delayed, so it is best to arrive before the blizzard. The pre-start preparations over there have been completed long ago, only the cast and crew are missing.

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