Chapter 38

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He Jiang admired the business scene very much at first: knowing that he was playing game dishes, he would not retaliate when he scolded him.

Later, he understood, more or less because he couldn’t understand the scolding of the country, and he couldn’t hear the sarcasm, and he didn’t know where he learned it. Brother help me…”

Shang Jing said, “I like your voice, and I like you to scold me.”

It’s because Shang Jing wants to learn to scold people, because he is afraid that he will not be able to hear the scolding when he returns to China!

Every sentence is true, there is no acting component, but it is a big liar.

Hehe, there is no better way to express He Jiang’s gnashing of teeth than the name Shang Puppy.

So embarrassing and so self-motivated, he was embarrassed to talk about it even in the face of amnesia.

Twenty-three-year-old He Jiang was young and vigorous. He fed the dog with sincerity. He became angry and kissed Shang Jing forcibly. He learned oral language from him, so why can’t he kiss? !

In order to earn back the air ticket money, He Jiang tried his best to speak up, but the air ticket money was not earned back, but a heart was lost more thoroughly, and he never forgot it.

In addition, there is a bit of secret thought: there was originally a kiss scene in the script of our life, when He Jiang thought that her boyfriend had broken up, and the first kiss would be explained in the movie, she was extremely unconvinced, and she had to rely on it. on the business scene.

But later He Jiang didn’t make that kiss scene, and lived a life like a monk.

I shouldn’t have kissed that in the first place. I just thought that the soul of the Shang puppy was very much in line with his liking. I didn’t expect that even the mouth would be so good.

pissed him off.

Even with a lot of annoyance in his heart, He Jiang still felt that it was fortunate that the business dog chose to practice speaking by himself.

Is it really heart-stopping to kiss all the kisses?

When I saw the pictures of the hospital sent by Shangjing, the volcano at the bottom of the lake suddenly smoked.

He Jiang stood still for a while, and went to the bathroom to find his wife who was hiding.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Shang Jing looking at him with a faint gaze, and complained, “Don’t you give me any face?”

How can you say the embarrassing thing about your wife pretending to be an adult in front of the whole nation?

He Jiang asked back, “You said that I was an old man, and you intended to anger me and give me face?”

Shang Jing raised his eyes: “We won the last place, doesn’t it just mean that I save face for you?”

He Jiang looked at his confident look of “I can move your finger to make you furious”, and laughed softly.

His cultivation has improved to a higher level now, and Shang Jing will not be angry at anything. No one will take care of him when he is out of anger, and he has to be repeatedly stimulated by the business scene.

“You can try it without saving face for me.”

Xiao Zuojing was provoked in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched in dissatisfaction: “I’m not afraid to tell you, I still have this book of masterpieces that I haven’t practiced.”

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