Chapter 22

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The live broadcast of the game about He Jiang’s group is cut off here.

“”Teacher Cen Must Lend Me” by He Jiang.”

“Put [He Jiangying] on the public screen!”

“Some tips on making money by betraying your wife to support your wife.”

“The hot search on the top lets the business scene see it!”

“Grass, the beautiful wife is crying and saying that she has no food to eat tomorrow. If I were He Jiang, I would have to fill my wife with food!”

“Fortunately, you are not He Jiang, otherwise Shang Jing would have to eat grass.”

“Dare you let your wife know how you got the 3,000 yuan!”

“Mr. Cen: It’s not that I have to support my wife without me.”

“I cried, my son was deceived by a dog man, but Mama was helpless in front of the screen.”

“Where is Shang Zai’er’s Weibo, I want to send this to him.”

“He Jiang covered the sky with one hand in the variety show, and the daylily was cold after recording the variety show!”

In the barrage, the proportion of Shangjing’s mother fans has increased visibly with the naked eye. The audience has changed from “this can be tolerated”, to “respect and blessing”, to “Xiaojing can do anything”, and even said “Shangzier can eat with confidence. The chicken looks so cute, and the IQ is right with me.”

Mom fans and mother-in-law fans fought back and forth, and CP fans nibbled on sugar.

“Has no one found out that there is candy here? Why is Shang Jing so confident, it means that He Jiang is usually good at coaxing!”

“I’m the only one who thinks Shang Jing is acting like a spoiled child. He has two expressions from the room to the door!”

“Get married quickly, single dogs can’t stand this sweetness.”

“I love it!”

“It seems that I usually exchange acting skills in bed [automatic color change].”

“Upstairs, you analyze, I don’t lack this traffic.”

“You can see it, can’t He Jiang see it?”

Of course, He Jiang knew that Shang Jing would probably not cry over this trivial matter. Even if he was really sad, it was because he would not have food tomorrow.

But taking his wife’s coquetry seriously is the attitude a mature man should have.

Regardless of whether he is real or not, as soon as Shang Jing sheds tears, he surrenders half of it.

Shang Jing raised his head: “Does the director ask to borrow money?”

He Jiang: “Your husband is an investor, and the director team doesn’t dare to care.”

The director team: “…” Dare to be angry and not say anything. Is this human? If I knew it earlier, I would pinch the live broadcast two seconds later, so that everyone can see your true colors!

Shang Jing: “Then how do we pay back the money?”

He Jiang held back the sentence “Mr. Cen insists on borrowing it, and won’t let it return”.

Facing his wife, who had lost all her family property and was crying, He Jiang acted like an honest man: “The program team provides the opportunity to work, and I will go tomorrow.”

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