Chapter 43

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The He family’s parents heard that He Jiang and Shang Jing were going to see their parents, and asked them to go to the house for dinner.

After watching my daughter-in-law across the screen for so long, it’s time to meet the real person, right?

To have a wedding, it is impossible to avoid the hurdle of the parents. Both Dad He and Uncle Fu revealed the idea of ​​making an appointment for the two families to have dinner together.

He Jiang has some headaches. He can gamble on face, energy, and money to accompany Shang Jing to hold a grand wedding, or he can accompany Shang Jing to see his parents beaten by the uncle.

The problem is, he has to consider how Shang Jing will feel after regaining his memory.

The wedding was requested by Shangjing himself, but his parents were not.

The more you do now, the more difficult it will be to coax in the future. You can’t cut off your own future as a human being.

He Jiang asked Shang Jing’s opinion: “Do you want to go home with me?”

Shang Jing was stunned for a moment, and then said in a loud voice, “No, don’t go!”

He thought of Juzhou’s ex-mother-in-law and almost sweated. Of course, he believed that He Jiang’s parents were open-minded and kind people, but Shang Puppies himself had a guilty conscience.

He was instructing He Jiang in the variety show, shouting and drinking. Any parent would feel a little uncomfortable when they saw it? They may never say it, but the business scene can’t face it.

I didn’t think about it when I was a shrewd person, I went to the dead end of divorce, and I could only go to the black one way.

As expected, He Jiang said, “Okay, I’ll tell them that I’m not available first.”

Shang Jing hesitated for a while, and twisted his fingers, wondering, “Otherwise, we still won’t have the wedding.”

He Jiang: “Do it, why not do it?”

Even in order to clear the suspicion of scum, it has to be done.

If Shang Jing regained his memory before the wedding, he would always have a way to coax Shang Puppy to attend.

The wedding is the beginning of the business scene, and the business scene must be responsible for the aftermath.

Shang Jing frowned: “But before the wedding, can I see my parents?”

He Jiang smiled: “Then why don’t you want to see it?”

Shang Jing shut up, he couldn’t say that he was afraid of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, right? The real workman moves forward bravely, and can’t show any cowardice in front of scumbags!

He Jiang secretly smiled, now that he knew he regretted it, it was too late.

He proposed a solution: “In this way, the two-month preparation time you gave me is extended to four months, and you can come to my house for dinner during the Chinese New Year, okay?”

Shang Jing nodded again and again: Yes, yes!

Compared to He Jiang’s parents, Xiao Zuojing would rather give up some money!

He Jiang called her mother in front of Shang Jing: “I temporarily inserted a variety show. This year’s work has been pushed to years ago, and I won’t have time to bring Xiaojing back before the 30th year.”

Mother He: “You are busy with your own business. Your dad and I don’t really want to see you. We just meet Xiaojing.”

He Jiang, who quickly became an outsider: “…”

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