Chapter 44

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The sweet wife group has turned into a “blind and loving family” group, and no one dares to kick out the potential “mother-in-law”.

The aunt also called them “sisters”, and the soul trembled at a glance.

“Shock! Two teenage boys dressed up as women to defraud half a hundred aunts online, but they found out after the crime that it was their mother-in-law”

Four popular stars involved! The amount of fraud is as high as 88 yuan!

How happy Shangjing was when he received the red envelopes of “member money” in the group, and how guilty he is now.

Zhuang Qin was not much better than him. It was enough for his fake girlfriend to join He Jiangzhen’s boyfriend’s group, and there was still his “mother-in-law” in the group.

Neither of the two had the courage to verify who the mother-in-law was.

Shang Jing and Zhuang Qin sat on the ground with their mobile phones side by side, their expressions sad and panic, vividly interpreting the two “desperate sweet wives”.

Shang Jing: “There are endless troubles that must be dealt with.”

Zhuang Qin: “Yes.”

Shang Jing: “If I don’t dissolve, I’ll get a divorce one day.”

Zhuang Qin: “Yeah.”

Shang Jing: “In this way, we said that we lost our fans. This account was buried with He Jiang.”

Zhuang Qin nodded vigorously: “This is good!”

The “Yang Yue fiancee” in the group did not know that the two of them had established their identities. In the eyes of the “fiancee”, they were just random fans on the Internet.

If they are fans, they may lose their fans. Especially when He Jiang and Cen Fino showed their love on variety shows with their boyfriends openly and aboveboard, their girlfriends fans were hit the hardest.

After idols open their relationship, girlfriend fans will not lose their fans immediately. The more they think about it, the more uncomfortable they will become.

Calculate the time, it is the right time for them to take off the powder at this time.

The two brainstormed and thought about a declaration of powder removal.

Zhuang Qin is very experienced: “You don’t need to think for yourself, go to the three of us to search for the powder removal square, copy it directly, and ensure the true feelings.”

Shang Jing gave Zhuang Qin a thumbs up: “You’re still smart.”

He searched on Weibo for the topic #HEJIANGTUOFAN#, and was caught off guard by harvesting a ton of ginseng roosters.

Almost all the topic of removing fans is to scold him for hooking He Jiang away, disrupting He Jiang’s career planning, and turning He Jiang into a love brain…

Zhuang Qin held down his mobile phone: “Don’t look at this, there are all kinds of comments on the Internet. In this way, I’m looking for you, and you’re looking for me.”

The two exchanged mobile phones with each other, found some “respect, blessing” fan-free remarks, and copied them down.

Zhuang Qin was about to send it, but Shang Jing tactfully stopped it: “I can’t send it yet, now He Jiang and the others are here, if Auntie teases them about our removal of fans, Teacher Cen will definitely react that we are a group, then It’s over.”

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