Chapter 12

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After He Jiang finished her work, she hurried over. Seeing Shang Jing’s appearance, she leaned on the steering wheel and laughed enough before getting down.

When Shang Jing saw He Jiang’s car, his eyes lit up, he ran over quickly, opened the car door and closed it in one go.

Aunt Liu moved the packaged dumplings to the trunk.

He Jiang: “What are you holding in your hands?”

Shang Jing: “…Why didn’t you pick me up earlier?”

He Jiang: “I can’t go away.”

Shang Jing: “Huh.”

He Jiang ruffled Shang Jing’s messy hair: “It’s a mess in the nest.”

Shang Jingzhen said: “I listen to my aunt because my aunt is old!”

He Jiang: “I deserve to die of anger at a young age.”

He picked up Shangjing’s things: “What kind of gift is this? A sack.”

In the past, there were other siblings who brought their partners back to see their aunt. If they were lucky, they would be happy, but if they were unlucky, they would be forced to study like Shangjing. But when I leave, I usually bring gifts carefully prepared by my aunt.

Shang Jing’s cheeks flushed, and he said, “It’s nothing, just a little food.”

He Jiang started the car: “So precious? Don’t worry, what I gave you is for you. I will not confiscate your labor income.”

Shang Jing covered the medicine tightly, thinking that he was going to get divorced, and he would never see the He family again in the future. The shame is all He Jiang’s business, what does it have to do with him?

He rubbed his fingers on the bag a few times, and suddenly felt a roll of something that didn’t look like a medicine box.

He stood up the bag, blocking He Jiang’s vision, and when he looked down, it turned out to be a stack of thick red envelopes.

A red envelope of 10,000 yuan, a total of 21 red envelopes, he is 21 years old this year.

Whoever said that my aunt was ill, she was clearly wise and ignorant, she gave food, money, medicine, training skills, mastered every difficulty in the business scene, and targeted poverty alleviation. Aunt is so nice.

Shang Jing was flattered, and felt that it was inappropriate to ask for the old man’s money, so he said to He Jiang: “Aunt gave me 210,000 red envelopes, which is too much, I didn’t buy anything to visit her, you help me pay back—”

He Jiang said lightly, “Take it.”

It was only then that Shang Jing realized that He Jiang had long known that He Silan would give red envelopes, so he said “it will not be confiscated”.

With a soft hand, Shang Jing’s face was a little warm, and he said, “I ask you one thing.”

He Jiang: “Tell me about it.”

Shang Jing: “Will you all go back to the old house tomorrow? You go early and buy some supplements for me to fill up my aunt’s Tibetan medicine room.”

If you want to come, aunt will not go around to publicize what she gave to Shangjing, fill the storage room, and others will not find it.

He Jiang slowly turned the steering wheel and said in disbelief, “So, this bag of yours is…?”

He said incredulously: “What did you do to make aunt see that you need to replenish your brain?”

According to He Jiang’s understanding of Shangjing, shouldn’t he be particularly respectful to the elderly, especially well-behaved, and the appearance is also the one that the elders like the more they look, and even think he is smart and sensible?

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