Chapter 42

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Shang Jing was suddenly picked up and hugged He Jiang’s neck tightly, rubbing against him as he walked. He was not used to such intimate contact, so he quickly blushed and said, “It’s alright, alright! Your physical strength is the best. !”

He was carried to the third floor and struggled to jump out of He Jiang’s arms: “Not serious! There is a kind of medical skills.”

He Jiang: “You wait.”

The actor’s plasticity is very strong, and next time he will take over the role of an orthopedic scholar, which is one level higher than Dr. Zhou.

A certain actor is considering taking more characters with uniforms for a certain actor.

Shang Jing was placed on the chair in front of the piano, and after realizing it, He Jiang was jealous.

He remembered one thing: “You have a lot of scandals, how can you be jealous?”

He Jiang: “What do you call that scholar-holder?”

Shang Jing: “Sun Ning.”

He Jiang: “This grandson apologized on Weibo.”

The Internet celebrity started out, and he does everything he can to rub the heat. If you care about him, you will lose your identity.

It happened that his taxi contract expired, and He Jiang recommended another junior brother to the program. Sun Nui slipped and apologized that night, saying that he and He Jiang had no intersection. Don’t misunderstand.

Shang Jing: “More than that.”

He opened the browser’s favorites and read the saved lace news one by one: “He Jiang and Xiaohua behaved intimately on the set, blowing a fan together.”

He Jiang: “The film is stingy, only a fan is born in the heat.”

Shang Jing: “He Jiang’s award ceremony and the actress were chatting and laughing, a golden boy and a beautiful girl…”

He Jiang: “The media scribbled, the queen’s husband is still my distant relative.”

Shang Jing: “He Jiang teaches the national goddess to play games, kills seventeen and eats chickens in a double row… hum!”

Can’t even teach my own wife to teach others! Scum!

The first few business scenes are not angry, and there are many things to catch up with. Now the news still loves headlines, and clicking on it is an ordinary colleague relationship.

But how could He Jiang teach others to play games, the other party seemed to have better skills than him.

He Jiang: “There is indeed such a thing.”

Shang Jing’s eyes widened, and he pressed a few keys to express his dissatisfaction.

He Jiang continued: “At that time, there was a limited-time couple’s costume in the game, and you had to invite 49 newcomers to register and play a game to get it. You insisted on that suit, and you only invited nine people, and the remaining forty were all invited by me. of.”.

“Then I’m not allowed to arrest people on the set?”

“Seventeen kills can only show that my skills are good.”

Shang Jing didn’t remember at all: “Oh, is it?”

He didn’t read the rest, and after losing his memory, he didn’t know that He Jiang was telling the truth or telling lies. He Jiang’s reasons were quite the same.

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