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MAnVisht settled down at their regular table at their regular meeting spot which tends to be the Ilao Ilao ice cream Parlour's corner table. Anvisht were grinning at each other the whole time. They were so happy about something but Mallika was clueless.

"So, what's the matter?" Mallika asked while stuffing a spoonful of the yogurt ice cream topped with milk chocolate and strawberries. Never be ashamed to eat shamefully in front of your besties! 😁

Anika forwarded her hand with a card to Mallika.

"YOUR WEDDING CARD!?" Mallika exclaimed in excitement.

"Yup, the first card and that belongs to you!" Pravisht said.

"But it should be given to the bride's maternal uncle first na?"

"They didn't help me to find my soulmate, you did. When I was drowning in the sea of grief and confusion, when I had no one to talk to about my feelings genuinely, when I believed nobody will understand me, you proved I was wrong. You brought me out of my confusion. You made me realize that what people think about me is not important but what will lead my happy life is. Thanks for that! Without you, I've almost lost this gem!" Anika said as her sight was filled with those memories of 7 years back. Pravisht hug her by side and kissed her forehead.

But Mallika? Instead of consoling, she twisted her ears.

"What was that again? Huh?" Mallika threatened her while Pravisht was just laughing at their antics.

"Ok baba I'm sorry! I'll not say thanks again! My ears hurt!"

"That's better! I've never seen it as help but my responsibility. Why do we call ourselves friends when you cannot guide them to the right path?" Mallika asked her in return.

"That's right!"

"Ok girls, keep that aside. So, our wedding is around the corner, in less than 6 months. We are 26 years old now. We have found our love life, how about you? When are you even planning to find for yours?" Pravisht asked Mallika.

"I don't have to find mine. If we are meant to be, the destiny will unite us!" Mallika started her poetical speech. Be a poet even in prose.😇

"Ok, at least you should have any ideas like how should he be and all stuff right? So tell us about that, we want to hear you! You used to say that you have an ideal man in your mind right? You even say you name him! Who is he?" Anika asked Mallika eagerly. When Mallika was about to start her story time, Pravisht received an urgent phone call regarding his trading business. He had to excuse himself for a while but Anika decided not to wait for him.

"What he should be like?" Anika asked.

"A man, a human!" Mallika said.

"You won't be in love with aliens!" Anika looked at her weirdly

"No, I don't think you get it! I said A MAN! A HUMAN!" She had a hidden meaning behind her word which was understood by Anika only when she repeated it.

"What else?"

"A man with a kind heart!"


A guy was walking past an elderly woman who was struggling to carry her bags. As the world around them decided to be blind and deaf, he decided to be a man awakened in kindness. He carried her bags and accompanied her to the taxi lobby.


"A guy who respects others, especially women!"


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