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As usual, after giving a morning hug, Mallika went for a bath. She decided to wear her old flared white salwar without any design which comes with a dark blue shawl with some designs on it. She chose a small pair of silver jhumkas to add beauty to her already beautiful face and figure. She tied half her into a ponytail and left the remaining ones to flow on her back.

Soon after having her favorite mug of hot chocolate and greeting her parents as well as Arjun, she decided to head out. Anvisht came on time for the first time in their entire lifetime which surprised Mallika. The trios soon reached the place where the Holi event was organized. The entrance of that open field was decorated with colorful flowers. Her face instantly flushed a 100-volt bulb brightness through her smile. She clapped and jumped like a 6-year-old kid forgetting she's two decades older than she is thinking. ManVisht proceeded to enter the field.

The field was divided into 3 parts, 'A' for kids, 'B' for teenagers and new adults, and 'C' for those who are older than that. They decided to divide so the hyper teenagers and new adults won't be stepping on kids and hurting adults.

Something that no one is aware of is the presence of Sumedh at the Holi festival. He was invited by his colleague there. The man of charms was wearing a white kurta with a pair of denim jeans.  His curls were tucked using a hairband which will not last long due to the thickness of his hair. His powerful smell was fascinating and able to attract all girls. Why the smell when even his Cupid arrow eyes can?

There was a huge crowd and suddenly a man in his 30s took charge of the microphone which was for the group 'B'.

"Hello Hi Namaste everyone, welcome to our Holi Festival 2022! In a few more minutes our Holi festival would begin. However, this year we planned to make our festival a little more exciting by setting this competition among you and your friends. The winners get to tease you until your cheeks burst whereas the losers have to bear with it!"

"What would it be? Already these two monkeys will be teasing me 24/7, I don't want to lose in this game, Shri Ram! Please help me!" Mallika thought while shutting her eyes tightly.

"There are multiple colors here, blue, orange, purple, pink, green, yellow, red, and so on. But among all these colors, we only set a very little red and yellow. So those, who are colored red and yellow shall consider getting married soon. You can purposely throw those colors on your friends, or they might get the color by any other chance. By winning or losing this game there is no personal gain or loss but this will raise excitement in all of you. So shall we begin?"


"In the count of three, two, and one..."


MAnVisht was standing in a triangle shape. While Anvisht were looking mischievously at Mallika, she understood that they are up to something.

"Uhm... As you both are getting married, you both shall consider applying those red and yellow colors, na?" Mallika said as nervousness coated her words.

"Our wedding is confirmed, So... Here we are to make yours confirmed," Pravisht said while taking his fist from his pocket. Mallika noticed red and yellow colors are dropping down from Anvisht's hands.

"No way this is happening, I haven't found my Sumedh!" Mallika screamed in fear but wasn't heard clearly due to the noisy environment. She began to run while covering her face in her shawl.

On the other hand, Sumedh made a deal with his colleague to not throw any colors at him as he didn't wish to ruin his favorite white kurta. But his friend, Arman wasn't convinced. He chased Sumedh but he cleverly escaped every single time. But not from fate. Instead of getting colored by Arman, Sumedh got colored by Pravisht who didn't realize it was Sumedh whom he threw the colors on. Sumedh's face was fully covered with red and yellow colors that even Pravisht was unable to recognize. Pravisht excused himself without looking back and moving forward. Sumedh tried to get his attention by following him while shouting his name.

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