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Just like on her bucket list, Sumedh fulfilled Mallika's wish by making a dance cover with her. He wasn't much into dance but Mallika was. She taught him for months and finally, they pulled out a power-packed dance cover. Anvisht suggested they to post on YouTube and Instagram but Sumellika decided not to. Because they believe in not posting their happy and sweet couple moment on social media and earning some evil eyes. After all, the dance cover was for Mallika's satisfaction and not for publicity.

Two months into her work, Mallika got an email from a movie director. She thought it was spam but it wasn't. He wanted to buy the copyright of the poems she wrote or she must write new poems for his upcoming movies. She was confused because she didn't publish any of her works. Once she got back home, she realised it was Sumedh's plan. Mallika had so many dreams in her little mind. But Sumedh wants to make each of them come true. Thus, the dream of Mallika to become a writer is now going to be fulfilled. Sumedh has sent an email to the director about her work. He was fond of it and now he wanted her to write beautiful poems for his next movie which is based on a poet. Mallika happily agreed to the deal. A lover, a wife, a devotee, a daughter, a sister, a mother, a friend, a psychologist, a dancer and a writer now.

Three years later, the whole nation was celebrating the completion of the Ayodhya temple. As Sumedh promised Mallika, he had booked tickets for Sumellika, Anvisht and their beautiful toddlers to visit Ayodhya. It was their departure day. All six of them got into the flight. It was Sumedh's first time getting on a plane as a passenger and not a pilot. All of them sat comfortably in their seats. It was a 3-hour journey to Ayodhya.

The flight attendants were teaching survival and safety techniques to the passengers. After that, the friendly attendants announced their copilot's first day of work and congratulated him. The passengers congratulated and cheered him too.

Sumedh was playing with Prathik and Mallika was clicking selfies with him. Pravisht was feeding Ashwin and Anika was looking at the sky. Everything went well until there was an announcement.

The announcement was that the pilot was facing a medical emergency and if any doctors were on board. Unfortunately, none were there. The co-pilot took over the plane, but as the turbulence occurred, he panicked. As said previously, it was his first day of work. Panicking incidents on the first day are indeed terrifying. He was nervous from the external and internal pressure. He wasn't able to manage the plane properly. Passengers were advised to be seated and get ready to use the parachute if anything happened.

Sumedh remembered the experience he had. It wasn't turbulence but a crash which was worse than this.

"Sumedh, I'm scared!" Mallika said.

"Don't worry, hold Prathik!" He gave Prathik to Mallika and took off his seat belt.

"Sumedh where are you going?" Pravisht tensed. Mallika looked at him worriedly.

"Trust me!" Sumedh said and walked forward with much difficulty as the plane was shaking.

"Sir, you need to be seated. It's for your safety!" One of the flight attendants said.

"Trust me, madam. I'm a former pilot of the same airline. I can handle this!" Sumedh assured.

"I'm afraid we can't let you do that sir. It's unethical for our job!" She said.

"Wait. Sumedh, I trust you. Go ahead!" Said one of the senior flight attendants who knows Sumedh's work assuredly.

"Thanks, Didi!" He said and rushed to the cockpit. He saw the nervous copilot and assured him that nothing bad would happen. He professionally took over the mechanism and managed to fall out of the turbulence. Sumedh was there in the cockpit telling them what to do and not to do during such panicking incidents to the copilot.

Fortunately, the pilot was okay. He just needed some rest. After landing, the passengers didn't get down. They waited to see Sumedh. When Sumedh came out of the cockpit, Mallika ran and hugged him. They all thanked him. One of the flight attendants asked him why not to join his work.

But Sumedh said, "I don't make promises. But if I do, I don't break them! I've given my word years back to my wife that I will not be a pilot again after a terrifying incident happened, and now I'm upholding it." He said. A girl was staring at them while writing down something in her notebook.

"That is so thoughtful.You guys are so cute together. True soulmates you are." An elderly couple complimented them.

"Of course, the soul has met its soulmate!" A voice was heard. A woman in her 20s, wearing a white kurta walked towards them. She was the same girl who was writing something in her book.

"Can I get your autograph, please?" She asked both for Sumedh's and Mallika's autographs. She gave them a book. They were confused about why she needed their autograph, but they still did sign on it. But when they turned the front cover, they were amused. 'Soul Met Soulmate', written by Parmitha. It was the original copy of the book.

"Pravi, wasn't this the book you read to me before?" Sumedh asked.

"Yaa, this looks like the original copy. Wait! Does that mean, you are the author? Parmitha?"

She smiled and closed the book.

***THE END***

Hello, Hi, Namaste, Vanakam, Vandanam & Namaskaram everyone. I'm sorry for not replying to your comments & messages yet. I'll do it real soon. Finally, I've completed my story, 'Soul Met Soulmate'

If you noticed, I wasn't exaggerating the storyline and finished it as soon as possible because I left it as a cliffhanger many times. I'm quite busy with my studies right now, plus I got a part-time job. So, I barely have time to update. Thank God, it's my semester break and I was able to spare some time to complete it.

I began to write this story with a purpose and now, I feel like the purpose is complete. Thanks all for the support.

WAIT! DON'T DISAPPEAR YET. Epilogue is coming. And I have REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY THERE. Wait for it. Till then, Parmitha, signing off❤️

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