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A week later, on the perfect mahurat, Manika's baby shower ceremony was arranged. The hall was decorated with beautiful flowers, diyas and balloons of pink and blue. They decided to do the gender reveal event in one shot. Mallika was wearing a hot pink lehenga.

While Anika was wearing a grey and pink one.

The guests who arrived there were awed at the beauty of the baby-expecting mothers. The hall was luxuriously beautiful and so the food was delicious. Every married woman came and did arti for Mallika & Anika, applied Tilak on their forehead and made them wear glass bangles. They also gave them gifts.

Sumedh was standing next to Mallika at all times. He didn't even move an inch away from her. It's been months since I saw her smiling and happy face. Her voice pours nectar into these ears. He missed her so much, and now he don't feel like moving from her even for a second. After the traditional ritual was over, Manika moved to the other side of the hall, where a huge cake was placed. Everyone assumed that the cake would reveal the baby's gender but nope. The cake was brown on the inside while the top was coated with pink and blue. Every guest received a cake pop. Now they thought, that one guest must have the coloured cake pop which will reveal the gender of the baby. But still nope. Everyone had the same colour on the inside.

"Areyy! What is this? When are we going to know the gender of the babies?" One of the guests asked.

"Just a minute, uncle" Sumedh said. Sumisht then whistled in unison. The crowd parted into two sides, and in the middle ran with joy, Arjun with two blue balloons in his mouth. It means both Mallika and Anika are having baby boys!

The crowd cheered and congratulated both the couples. It was a fun and memorable day for both Sumellika and Anvisht. The four friends are again happy together after all these months.

After the ceremony, Ruby asked Mallika to come to her house but she refused. She doesn't want to stay away from Sumedh after this. She assured Ruby that Sumedh would take good care of her. Unconvinced Ruby asked her what if Sumedh goes back to work. Mallika paused for a second. She remembered what happened 6 months back when Sumedh left. What if such incidents repeat? Mallika's fear grew but she decided to stay quiet with her mom.

That night, Sumellika were watching a movie. Sumedh was massaging Mallika's feet while she was making some delicious fruits.

"Sumedh, we got many gifts today, right?"

"Yes, Jaan. Shall we open them?" Sumedh asked excitedly.

"Yes, but only after I receive my gift from you!" Mallika said.

"What do you want, baby? I'll give anything for you." Sumedh assured.

"Pinky promise?" She asked giving him her little finger.

"Pinky promise!"

"The gift I want from you is... Resig. I... Will.. I'm sorry but can you resign your job?" Mallika asked with so much difficulty. She knew that being a pilot was Sumedh's dream job. He had worked so hard for it and asking him to resign it for her fear is just so stupid. She knows that Sumedh would hate her for asking to do so, but she has no other choice. She is just afraid of losing him again. Wait... Hate?

"I thought you would ask for something that you don't have!" Sumedh smiled warmly.

"What do you mean?" Mallika asked confused.

"Open the very first envelope you got this morning. Remember, the anonymous envelope?" Sumedh winked. Mallika took it and read it. It was Sumedh's resignation letter from his work as a pilot. There was also a handwritten letter by Sumedh.

'Dear Mallika Sumedh, my wife. I'm sorry for breaking my promise of not returning soon. I know that the distance gave you pain, it even gives me the same. I can't be away from you, nor you can. Please accept my apologies and this small gift for you upon our big day. I'm resigning from my current job. I'll continue the business with Pravisht and trade. This way, we will be seeing each other every day, every night. I don't have to go anywhere without you. I'm going to be by your side always. I love you, my wife.

Your Husband,
Sumedh Mallika'

Mallika had no words to say. Tears welled up in her eyes. All she could do was hug Sumedh and sob while hiding her face in his chest.

"I was selfish to ask you to leave your job but you were selfless to leave it for me! I'm sorry. I feel terrible." Mallika cried.

"Who said I was selfless? I was also selfish! I quit my job because I, Sumedh can't be away from you. If you're selfish then I am too. We are both selfish. Fishy fishyyyy!" Sumedh tickled her, making her laugh. Once Mallika was consoled, they both unboxed the gifts they received from the guests today.

Sumedh took good care of Mallika and his unborn prince. He bears her mood swings well. He cooks what she craves for and buys her whatever she wants regardless of the time and place. Sumedh booked a maternity photoshoot for Mallika and they had clicked pretty cute photos of her. They made love plenty of times which was also encouraged by the doctors. Even without such encouragement, Sumedh would not spare her, what more if someone did?

Days passed by just like that. It was Mallika's ninth month and Anika had already given birth to a charming baby boy. He resembles so much of Pravisht than Anika. Exactly a week later, Mallika went into labour.

When her water broke, Mallika was already in the hospital with all her stuff. As she was pushing the baby, Sumedh was holding her hands and giving her constant support. He hugged her and made sure she felt okay although the pain was unbearable. And at the end, after so much pain, Mallika delivered a healthy and beautiful baby boy. The nurse gave the baby to Mallika but she insisted the nurse give the baby to Sumedh. She always wanted her husband to hold the child first right after birth, not even herself. Sumedh let out the tears of happiness. It is the day he officially becomes a father. The word itself is so beautiful.

After that, the baby was given to Mallika for feeding. The families came to visit her and her baby. The little boy had Sumedh's eyes for sure although his other features resemble Mallika.

Two days later, Sumellika went back home. Sumedh didn't even ask Ruby for help to take care of Mallika. He did that all by himself. He stayed 24/7 next to her. He studied postpartum disorders and prepared himself to handle the other side of Mallika after childbirth. Sleepless nights weren't one or two. He made sure Mallika had good sleep while he stayed awake at night to take care of the baby. However, Mallika who always expects equality, didn't let Sumedh do that all by himself. They took turns to rest and take care of the baby.

Anvisht named their child Ashwin and Sumellika named theirs as Prathik. They can already predict their future friendship. Both the fathers are best friends and both the mothers are too. And all four together, it's a crazy friendship. Six months later, Mallika got back to work. She left her child with Ruby and went to work. The business that Sumisht were conducting had a great improvement. Sumedh encouraged Mallika to pursue her PhD in clinical psychology and so she did. Each of them begins to focus on their life individually and as a family. They were living the dream life of many.

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