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Days passed by, and Sumellika's conversation was stopped. Although Mallika was dying to continue the conversation, she didn't want to show herself desperate to talk to him. Whereas Sumedh thought he would disturb her by texting her unnecessarily. Being shy and overthinkers, they end up hiding their feelings and stopped their conversation, until it was Anvisht's engagement.

As planned by Sumellika, Anvisht's engagement venue was decorated beautifully. The closer family members of Anvisht such as their siblings and parents along with Mallika were on the stage. They were waiting for Sumedh to come, but as usual, he was late due to his hour-lasting bath. However, he reached the venue right before they exchanged their rings.

As Sumedh walked in his light purple suit, his eyes were searching for a girl with the exact same color lehenga. There were quite a number of them, but only one girl was highlighted to his eyes and heart. She was the one, who was standing right next to the bride with a big smile playing on her face.

Mallika was waiting for someone's arrival. Her eyes widen in excitement after meeting his, but soon went low when she noticed another girl was hugging his biceps while walking in. Anika and Mallika were clueless about who is that girl next to Sumedh, whereas Pravisht was just surprised seeing her being so comfortable with him.

"Pravi! Who's that girl?" Anika punched Pravisht's chest with her elbow.

"Ouch! She's Sumedh's relative sister's daughter. A year younger than us. Remember I told you, that she liked him since young?" Pravisht said.

"What? You didn't tell me this!" Mallika asked without moving her gaze from Sumedh and that girl.

"I thought she just liked, like as a person. Who knows that she would be this close? Plus, Sumedh isn't the one who usually speaks to girls much. How can he allow this?" Anika was confused.

"Let me figure it out, Ani! Chill!" Pravisht calmed her.

"You better do! If not, I'll break up with you! You know right, we gave Mallika hope about Sumedh!" Anika whispered to him.

"Okay, now the to-be bride and groom can exchange the rings," One of the elders said, bringing back Anvisht's attention. Sumedh walked up the stage, after finding a seat for his cousin to sit. He stood next to Pravisht. Mallika's heart felt heavy at the thought of losing Sumedh. Who is he even to her? A friend? Her friend's friend? Why is she so afraid to lose him? Does she realize the feelings she has for him? Of course, haven't, but sooner or later, she would.

Mallika plastered a smile on her face, not wanting to be sad about her bestie's engagement. She hugged Anika and congratulated both her friends. Sumedh noticed the instant change on her face. Her full moon-like glowing face today, is now covered with the dark clouds called sadness.

Sumedh too congratulated Anvisht, but he was confused and slightly feared Anika's glare at him. Anika is concerned about her bestie and her feelings. Anyone who dares to hurt Mallika should face Anika first. Sumedh tried to talk to Mallika but due to the crowd, he couldn't talk properly. After the ceremony, Anvisht and the others changed into casual clothes. Anvisht planned to go for a walk by the roadside with Sumellika, unfortunately, Mallika couldn't stay past ten according to her house rule. So she went back first.

 So she went back first

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That night...

P: So buddy, have you decided?

S: Decide what?

A: About Mallika! Don't lie that you both are just friends! Even a third person like me could feel the spark between both of you, don't you feel anything?

S: Anika Ji, to be honest, I'm absolutely confused!

A (aggressively): Confused about what?

S: My relatives have been forcing me to marry my cousin, who came just now. This has been happening for years. But I see her as my sister because we grow up together. How can I even consider marrying her? And about Mallika, I.. I don't know what should I say. I'm so confused about the decision I'm supposed to make. If I chose someone else and not my cousin, Akshara, I would be hurting her and my relatives.

P: But Sumedh, you do know that Mallika has some feelings for you too right? What about her?

A: So Sumedh, you're telling me that you'll not hurt anyone, but Mallika!

S: Guys, you are talking as if I gave hope to Mallika and broke it!

A: But that's the truth Sumedh! She never speaks to a single man, has never been as comfortable as she was with you, and never spares her time for someone! But all these, she did for you! Because you were also behaving the same way!

P: Sumedh listen, no matter what decision you take, there's always one party who will be hurt! If you choose Mallika, Akshara would get hurt, and if you choose Akshara, Mallika would! If you didn't choose both, both will get hurt! There's no escape from hurting one!

S: Guess what! This topic is troublesome!

Sumedh kicked the stone on the road. Anika who was at the peak of her anger left them and walked away aggressively. Sumedh knew he screwed up.

"Pravi, I'm sorry... Please follow her home!"

"I will! But you, don't think you could escape! You should make a decision!" Pravisht said and followed Anika.

Sumedh stood like a statue under the moonlight. He shut his eyes tightly and groaned aloud. He punched his fist against a tree nearby. After bursting out, he sat on a rock and took out his phone. He checked whether Mallika has replied to the text he sent 5 hours ago, but she didn't. She usually would text back in less than one or two hours, but now he hasn't. This makes him more stressed.

He went to his apartment and lay on his bed on his left arm. He took out his phone and checked for her message, and there was no reply.

'You seem to be busy today!?' He texted her, she was online but didn't open his text. This kinda hurts him, but he couldn't spam her. All of a sudden, Sumedh received a notification. He excitedly opened it, thinking it was from Mallika but it wasn't. It was from Pravisht.

'Buddy I'm sorry about how we both behaved to you just now! We feel guilty for Mallika because we were the ones who introduced you to her. Otherwise, we are not angry with you. Keep that all aside, tomorrow my sister is coming from her hostel and I planned to go out with my siblings and you! Please don't deny it!'

Sumedh was about to say no, but then he wanted to get rid of his bad mood. So he agreed. He kept his phone on his chest and whispered, "Goodnight!" to the ceiling, and closed his eyes gently.

Don't forget to


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