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Three days it has been. The news that Sumedh and Arman are dead is spreading nationwide and worldwide too. Mallika has not turned on the television. She assumes the news is fake. She even quit using her phone as her family members, Anvisht and relatives kept on spamming her with calls and messages. On the other hand, all the social media platforms are posting about this horrible incident. Mallika begins to isolate herself from the outer world. The world for her now is her dream house built by her husband and the little soul that's growing in her womb.

Mallika ordered the groceries she wanted online. She requested her doctor to visit her home for the checkups. She would never answer anyone's call or open the door if they were in front of her house. Some understood that she was hurt, some realized that she was mentally unstable and others thought that she was rude. No matter what others think, she does what she feels would give peace to her at any cost. She reads their messages from the notification but will not reply to any. She temporarily quit her work as she is mentally unstable. As Sumedh says, she never misses her meals. She believes that if she does everything that Sumedh insists she does, he will soon come back and appreciate her.

She cooks Sumedh's favourite food and eats it. She eats her medicine on time. She sleeps well using the same method, stuffing a pillow into Sumedh's hoodie and sleeping on it. She tried her best to not cry every time her feet hurt, her cramps for worse or she craved something, because Sumedh wasn't there for her to complain about each detail of her pregnancy.

For every woman, pregnancy is crucial. They would expect their husband to be with them all the time. To tell them how they feel, how hard it is, need their pampering. But, Mallika is in a state where she's blindly believing that her husband is alive but just not with her.

When the fetus's first heartbeat was heard, Sumedh wasn't there. When Mallika's belly begins to show, Sumedh isn't there. When she felt the first kick, Sumedh still wasn't there. Mallika used to play Sumedh's voice messages and keep them near her belly so that her child would recognise his/her father's voice. She would daily look at Sumedh's picture. The house is filled with Sumedh's pictures. She wants her child to be like her husband, look wise and also character-wise.

6 months passed by just like that. The growing baby always reminds and gives her hope that one day Sumedh will be back. With that hope, she didn't even remove her mangalsutra. She applied vermilion without failure like a normal married woman. Her tears slowly faded and were replaced with smiles. The tiny tantrums of the unborn child healed her.

Until one day, when she was unable to control her tears. Tomorrow is their love anniversary. The day, she realised she too deserved love. The day, Sumedh opened his heart to her. That day, she felt as if she owned everything on earth just by owning him alone.

Mallika went to the backyard. She sat on the swing while feeling the cool breeze. She shut her eyes and laid back. All of a sudden, she heard laughter and their chit chats. It was the place that led to their ultimate romance. Their first kiss. She could see him and herself drenching under the rain and running in the mud.

Mallika slowly got up and walked through the garden, touching those fragrant flowers, remembering what happened there. Then, she entered the house and looked at their kitchen countertop. How effortlessly had her husband lift her and made her sit there, at various times. The kitchen reminded her of the time, he snuggled into her neck and gave her back hugs as she was cooking.

She walked passing the living room, touching the wall. Recalling the times he softly slams her to the wall while romancing. She looked at the couch where they would eat chips and popcorn while watching Netflix. She slowly got upstairs. She went to the reading room. She smiled as she remembered the times they read their favourite novels together. She went to her bedroom, staring at her bed. Remembering those times she would sleep on his chest, those pumping kisses he gave her and the various times they made love. She stared at the bathroom tub, chuckling at how did her husband didn't even spare that area for his romance.

Holding her 6-month-old heavy belly, Mallika got into the bathtub. Turning on the hot water. She lay there in the bathroom, closing her eyes as if she were losing her life.

Mallika heard her phone buzzing. All these days Mallika ignores everyone's calls, people barely call her. But all of a sudden, her phone was buzzing nonstop. But Mallika wasn't in a state to bother about it.

She just wants some silence and peace. But no matter how silent the external environment is, her internal voices were kept on hunting her. Poor woman, why doesn't her happiness last long, but just for some time?

Is it true that her happiness has gone completely? Maybe, it is still there in the form of Sumedh's child✨

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