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Sumedh's shirt was once again drenched by the rain. Not the rain that drops from the heavy clouds, but the rain that falls from some pretty eyes and a heavy heart. All he could hear is Mallika's sobs and sniffs.

"The one who should protect me played me! Responsible men of the family looked at me as mere female flesh, without considering me as a living being. Their eyes roamed on me as if I were prey. They all make me impure!" She cried while punching her fist on the floor.

Sumedh was just sitting with bloodshot eyes and his first closed tightly.

"My dad is a gentleman and Pravin bhaiya was a caring one. Yet sometimes I refuse to trust them too! I quit sitting on my dad's lap or even next to him. Sometimes, Pravin bhaiya would come to my room and lock it, just to make some surprise planning for upcoming events in our house. But at that moment, I sensed my heartbeats increase vigorously. My heart would question me, 'What if Pravin bhaiya ends up like Devesh Bhaiya too?' I had no answer to that question. I have severe trust issues which I can't come out from! But..." Mallika paused. She looked up at Sumedh's face. Sumedh's gaze shifts to her. Mallika cupped his face while gently rubbing his cheek with her thumb.

"But, I involuntarily trust you from day one! I don't know why. I don't even trust Pravisht since day one. I took time to be friends with him. But you... It's different. Sumedh! You're such a pure person who doesn't hesitate to admit your mistakes. That is why I told you that you deserve better and not a raped girl. And a bitch like me doesn't deserve love! I'm sorry Sumedh!" Mallika removed her hands from his face and moved apart from him.

Sumedh stood up and said nothing. He turned away and headed out with Mallika's diary. His silence broke Mallika's heart but she stayed still as she has to learn to get used to pain.

"Sumedh!" Mallika called him and he stopped.

"If you decide to walk out of my life, the only help I would ask from you is, please do not reveal my past to anyone!... Pinky promise?" She asked to which Sumedh nod without looking at her. He left the place and Mallika in a huge mess.
Mallika's chest felt heavy from crying. She has no tears left to be shed. She lay on the floor, curling up her body and hugging her knees. In a little while, she was unconscious.

Although Ruby wasn't talking to Mallika, her heart was heavy when it was time but Mallika hasn't returned. "Is she alright?" Ruby thought. She immediately called Shiva but he didn't answer the phone. Without delay, she called Sashi, her younger daughter-in-law, Pravin's wife.

"Sashi, where are you dear?" Ruby asked on the phone.

"I'm on my way home maa, what happened? You seem worried!"

"Mallika is not home yet. Can you check if she's still in her clinic? She's not picking up my phone."

"Sure maa. Don't worry. I guess she might be in a therapy session. I'll go get her. Chill!" Sashi hang up the phone and headed towards Mallika's clinic.

Sashi noticed that the main door was unlocked and there was no any receptionist there. She walked in towards Mallika's cabin and was shocked. Seeing those broken glass doors, some blood on the floor and Mallika laying down unconscious made Sashi think that some kind of break-in has happened. She rushed towards Mallika and took her in her arms. She sprinkled some water on her face after checking if she was hurt by any of her body parts. Mallika found it hard to open her swollen eyes but she managed to.

"Mallika.. are you alright? What's all this mess? What has happened, Mallika?" Sashi asked concerned.

"Uh? It's nothing bhabi. My last customer was.. uhm... A little aggressive. That's it!" Mallika said while getting up.

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