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S: Have you eaten?

M: Nope, how about you?

S: No? It's already 10 pm, why haven't you eaten? I already finished my dinner with Pravisht.

M: Just a little busy and lost of appetite 😅

S: Busy that you can't even eat? 🤭 But you have to eat on time, only then you'll be healthy.

Mallika's tummy was filled with butterflies that are the outcome of anxiety, positive anxiety. A person asking you whether have you eaten is normal. But one who asks whether you eat on time is special.

M: Alright🌝

S: So how was your day?

M: It was good, how about yours?

S: It was freaking boring, but not anymore 🤭

M: Not anymore? Matlab?

S: Ya, because now you're talking to me na? That's why!

Mallika sucked her inner cheeks not knowing what to reply to his cute and flirty text. She tried to change the topic.

M: I'm so surprised that you're texting me. Pravisht told me that you won't even text anyone, including Pravisht. He always says that you don't give him attention😅🫣

S: That's true, but I didn't tell you that I won't give attention to you right?🤭

Sumedh sat up straight and bite his fingernails for blurting out to Mallika.

"Pravi! I said this to her! I accidentally said it... I wonder what she would think!" He said nervously to Pravisht.

"That's fine Sumi, calm down. Not a big deal. She's a sporting girl, she wouldn't mind, if and only if it's you!" Pravisht chuckled and went out to give him some personal time with Mallika on phone.

Their text longed for days. It's a miracle for both as they have never done such a thing before, which is talking to a friend's friend who's not their friend directly. But, after their texts, they seem to be good friends. Anvisht would always tease them individually when they are on the phone even if they weren't chatting with each other. Sumellika were now comfortable with each other online and shared many things about themselves with each other such as hobbies, ambition, and many more.

 Sumellika were now comfortable with each other online and shared many things about themselves with each other such as hobbies, ambition, and many more

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"Bro! I think Sumedh and I would be good friends!"

"WHAT-" Anika was too stunned to speak as Mallika would never volunteer to start a talk about Sumedh.

"Ya! HE READ BOOKS! Especially books like MAHABHARAT! Boys reading books is rare, reading religious books is even rarer!" Mallika exclaimed. Besides that, calculating their birthdate numerology, it shows that Sumedh and Mallika would be really good friends. Friends only??

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