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It's been 2 weeks since Sumellika officially get into their relationship. They know each other not for a long time, but the bond they share was worth a century. Or do they know each other before?👀 Although they weren't able to meet daily, they used to make video calls at night. Seeing each other's smiling faces and hearing their voices are more than enough for their souls.

It's the bachelor's party of Anika and Pravisht. Sumedh and Mallika have planned each and every party and ritual of Anvisht's wedding perfectly. Their bachelor's party was held at the beachside with only their close ones there. Anvisht's siblings, Sumellika and Anvisht's few other friends were present there.

"Cheers to our businessman who is going to be a family man soon!" Sumedh opened the wine bottle as Anvisht cut the moist chocolate cake. Anvisht made each other drink the wine and sat at the table where their favourite western food was served. Meanwhile, Mallika was having a hard time finding a sweet song for the couples to dance to. Sumedh helped her by picking one of Mallika's favourite songs, which is 'Dandelions'.

"Now, our to-be bride and groom will dance for..." Before Mallika could finish, Anika interrupted

"Wait for a second!" Anika lift her skirt lightly and walked towards Mallika, snatching the microphone from her.

"As this is our bachelor party, we wish to sit and enjoy while all of you would be entertaining us. Come on, our whole wedding rituals are entertaining you'll, let us sit and take a sip while enjoying your performance!" Anika said.

"Well, I agree with what my wifey says!" Pravisht said casually, chewing a piece of the salad. The crowd cheered for Pravisht's boldness. They agreed except for Sumellika. They insisted on Anvisht dance as well.

"For insisting us the most, the bride and groom command that both of you are supposed to lead the performance!" Anika said while pushing Mallika towards Sumedh. Mallika looked at Sumedh, finding him blushing just like she did. Soon, the song begins to play.

Maybe, it's the way you say my name
Maybe, it's the way you play your game

^^^Sumedh held Mallika's right hand gently and invited her to the dance floor.^^^

But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you

^^^Mallika smiled warmly, lowering her gaze in shyness.^^^

And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine

^^^Sumedh took small steps backwards without leaving Mallika's hands and so Mallika did. Sumellika dwelled in the dance as they felt so relatable with the lyrics.^^^

'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions

^^^Sumedh pulled Mallika towards him with her wrist. Mallika held his broad shoulders for support due to the sudden movement.^^^

Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine

^^^He made Mallika swivelled gracefully. As he did that, Mallika's long, black and beautiful hair which carries the fragrance of jasmine hit Sumedh's face, making him lifeless for a second.^^^

And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile

^^^Sumellika slide their left legs sideways and their bodies did the same movement. Standing straight again, they cupped each other's faces with one hand and locked their eyes. Mallika remembers how her heart eases every time she sees Sumedh's smiling face. Sumedh remembered the first ever eye lock he had with her in the field of colours.^^^

Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time

^^^Sumellika locked their fingers with each other's and stretched their arms in the air, making a graceful dance movement. The crowd followed Sumellika's dance steps.^^^

Dandelion, into the wind you go
Won't you let my darling know?
Dandelion, into the wind you go
Won't you let my darling know that?

^^^Anika punched Pravisht with her elbow and asked him to look at his once-upon-a-time, certified single friend who is now a lover boy. They were enjoying teasing their best friends.^^^

I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile

^^^Sumellika were into their own world that they didn't even realize the crowd behind them was actually weren't dancing but adoring and taking videos of their dance. Anvisht's heart was filled with unknown happiness and satisfaction.^^^

Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine

^^^For the step where Sumedh is supposed to hold Mallika's waist, he didn't do so. Instead, he kept an inch distance from her waist and his hands. He didn't want her to feel any discomfort even if it was just for a dance. This action of Sumedh drove Mallika insane. Her cheeks were heated up. Maybe it is true that people used to say, if you fall for someone before you touch their skin, it's definitely love.^^^

Even after the song ended, Sumellika were still slow dancing as if they were a prince and a princess dancing in the ballroom. Only when the crowd give them a big round of applause, they came out of their fantasy world. They stepped back from each other and adjusted their clothes. As everyone begin to praise them, Sumellika couldn't stand the blood-rushing sensation on their skin which makes her face flush with redness.

"Ehm erhm... It's no longer our bachelor's party, Pravi. It's their love's party I guess!" Anika teased them.

"Nothing like that, now it's your turn!" Mallika said pulling Anika and Pravisht into the dance floor. The beautiful couple danced while the others adored them. Sumedh and Mallika sat on the sand instead of the chairs arranged. The cool breeze, the sound of waves, candle lights' brightness and some close people around them. PURE BLISS!

I'm sorry for the late update. By the way, how was the update?
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