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It was a new moon Friday when Sumedh visited Mahadev's Mandir. On these days, people would offer prayers to those close relatives who passed away. And so Sumedh did, to his still alive or dead mother who left him in an orphanage after her husband ditched her for another woman. Sumedh grew to witness his mother's tears and his father's disloyalty. Since then, he promised himself to be loyal and gentlemanly and will never put any girl in the situation of his mother. Although Sumedh loves his mother, the dissatisfaction that his mother left the child always affects him. He sees his mother in every elderly people and treats them with respect and care.

After completing his prayer, Sumedh bumped into a woman and a man in their late 50s. They both claimed that they know Sumedh but Sumedh has no idea about it. Their weird behavior held him in confusion. After speaking to them for some time, Sumedh left for his apartment. He was puzzled that he refused to think anything but what the old couple spoke to him. He took his phone, and immediately called Mallika. Although he never called her before, knowing that she's a writer and a psychologist, he wanted to clarify a few things with her directly on call compared to on text.

"Mallika, I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I have a few things to ask you. Do mind spending some time with me?" Sumedh asked tensed. Mallika was worried.

"Of course not, Sumedh. Ask what you want to know!"

"Uhm, is this rebirth and the past life thing real or just a myth?"

"According to both research and spirituality, rebirth is possible and is real. But not everyone would get to live as the same living being as their previous life. For example, some would be an animal in their previous life and fortunately, due to their good karma, they are able to be born as a human in their next life. In some other cases, it is said souls that weren't happy in their previous birth tend to be reborn as their previous form in order to live their happily unlived life. If and only if they deserve it! Because getting a human life is very hard according to our holy Bhagavad Gita." Mallika said.

"Oh? Okay! Thanks. Bye!" Sumedh said anxiously and hung up the phone call.

"Rude!" Mallika rolled her eyes. "But why is he so nervous and anxious? Is he alright?" Mallika thought.

Sumedh sat on his bed, tearing his fingernails aggressively. On the other hand, Mallika was called by Ruby to have a personal talk.

"What is it, Mumma? What's the matter?"

"Who was the other boy whom you went with hiking?"

"He's Pravisht's friend maa, why?"

"Why is he there too?"

"What does this supposed to mean ma? Being Anika's friend, didn't Ananya and I follow them? Being Pravisht's friend, why not Sumedh follow him?"

"You guys are classmates, right? What is that boy doing there?" Ruby's questions make no sense to Mallika.

"Mom, we know him, and he's our friend too. Plus, I'm following Pravisht, who am I to decide who should follow Pravisht and who should not?"

Ruby was silent for a moment, and looked at Mallika, "Careful ya! You know what I mean!" Ruby left the place immediately and Mallika was pissed off. The only thing she doesn't like about her mom is this, her fear of her daughter falling for someone who is not her choice.

But poor Ruby didn't know that her daughter is already started to fall for someone who is not her choice. Sumedh! Although Mallika realizes her feelings for Sumedh, she's afraid of her mother's reaction. Sudden of all, her twin niece and nephew, Amar and Praniti ran into her room hiding under her bedsheet. Mallika laughed at their antics to escape from their father, which was Mallika's first elder brother, Devesh. After some time, Devesh and his wife Aditi, and also Mallika's second elder brother, Pravin entered her room playing with the kids.

Yet being one who gives ultimate importance to sleep, Mallika ignored them and lay on the bed, closing her eyes. Although she was in deep slumber, subconsciously, Mallika heard a male voice in her head. "A flower is sliding into sleep with the tons of thorns surrounded by, knowing the leaf will protect her." She woke up with a jerk and the first face that comes to her mind was... Yes, you were right. Sumedh's! But the question is, is the thorn or the leaf? Then who's the thorn?

Mallika quickly took her diary and wrote down this incident. Without her realizing it, she begins to write about Sumedh in her personal diary. Not just writing, but smiling like a crazy girl thinking about him. At the same time, Sumedh was also thinking about Mallika, but for a different matter. What could it be?

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