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Sumedh and Mallika came downstairs. Mallika was hugging Sumedh's biceps while walking. Whatever she experienced earlier seem like a dream to her. At this moment, her diary is her wish-granting book, except it doesn't have any limit and the one who does what she wants is the man next to her. Mallika's smile was big and wide. Her feelings were clearly reflected on her face. It is true that the real power of the man is the size of the smile of the woman next to him.

"By the way, what place is this, Sumi?" Mallika broke the silence, as usual with her question. Sumedh paused his walk. He can feel his heart pounding against his chest as if it will tear off his chest and fall out.

"It's an old mansion. Actually, an old palace, Miku!"

"What? A palace? How on earth did you get this place?" Mallika was shocked at what she heard.

"Well, I know the owner of this palace. They didn't want to rule this place back then, thus this place was empty. However, when I request them to buy this place, they agreed. But the thing is, they didn't sell it but just gave it for free."

"For free? A palace for free? Who are the owners, Sumedh? Why are they so generous to you? What kind of palace is this?" Mallika's mind was filled with questions.

"They kinda share a special bond with us, Miku. This palace belongs to the old rulers of the...." Sumedh exaggerated his sentence.

"Of the?"

"Kapoor's Kingdom!" Sumedh's voice echoed.

"Kapoor's... Oh, wait! Is it the one we studied in our first chapter of history in high school?"

"Yes, it is!"

"What the hell!? How did you know the owners? It means they are supposed to be the king and queen, right? But they wanted a democratic nation and denied the rule. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"Yes, you're right. I told you, we do share a special relationship with them. This is their pictures." Sumedh showed Mallika the pictures of the elderly couples in their 50s whom Sumedh met at the temple.

"They seem familiar. And they are too cute together!" Mallika smiled warmly at their pictures. "What are their names?"

"Ishan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor!" Sumedh pointed at the wall where their wedding picture was hung.

"God! She's so gorgeous. And look at him. He has exact same curls as you do!" Mallika giggled. Little did she know, siblings do share similar genes.

The dream about fire and the sleep paralysis that got Sumedh's heart to pound 100 times faster was about his previous life, where he wasn't Sumedh but Vicky Khatter. That is why he sought Mallika's help back then to ask about rebirth, whether it is a myth or a fact. (Read Ek Kahani from my account to understand what is going on here.)

After the Sanvii burnt down the palace, Janhvi and Ishan who wished to live a simple life decided to abandon the royal life and live as normal citizens. One last decision that Janhvi took as the replaced queen of the Kapoor Kingdom, which is being practised till now is that citizens that live in the city (known as the Kapoor Kingdom in the past), will not have a surname. Janhvi and Ishan believe that surnames and caste cause distance between people. Since then, Janhvi is no longer Janhvi Kapoor and Ishan was no longer Ishan Khatter. After all these years, when Ishanvi spotted Sumedh aka Vicky at the temple, they believe in rebirth. They were on cloud nine after realising their siblings were reborn and again in love. They prayed to God for them to at least be united in this birth and live a happy-go-lucky life.

But who knows what God has planned?

"So, what are you planning to do with this place?"

"You tell, what shall we do with this place?" Sumedh asked Mallika.

"Uhmmmm... We should make this place for public use. We shouldn't selfishly use it for us. Then there's no point for Ishan ji and Jahnvi Di... Di? Oops! I mean, it would be pointless for their efforts to unite the citizens."

"I agree!"

"What about... Why don't we make it a place of wisdom? Like a half library and free tuition and therapy for those who can't afford it. Anika will take care of the tuition, and I take care of the therapies. How does that sound?"

"It sounds good to me, hunn... Will definitely work on it. But before that, I have something more important to work on!"

"What is that?" Mallika asked.

"Our shadi!" Sumedh winked making Mallika blush.

After spending their day in Kapoor's Kingdom, Sumedh brought Mallika to the temple to fill their marriage proposal day with Lord Krishna's blessings. After that, they had their lunch.

"Now... Where are we going?" Mallika asked after getting comfortable in the car.

"It's another surprise!" Sumedh whispered sending chills down her spine.

Now what? What else was left after proposing to her for marriage?

Okay, that's enough! Don't let your mind travel anywhere okay?🤭

Okay! Now it's all under the light. This book of mine called 'Soul Met Soulmate' is a sequel to another book of mine called 'Ek Kahani'. If you haven't read it, please read it so that you will have a little more detail about this story. Now I can take a break peacefully😌❤️

I hope you like this chapter.
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See you'll soon🦋

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