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It was the same night when Mallika revealed her feelings for Sumedh to her mother in. Sumedh was peacefully sleeping on his bed until this one dream haunted him. He was shot, fire particles evolved around him, screams and cries were heard, and finally Mallika. Her beautiful face came across his view, like the moon that rose from the dark night clouds. His heart beats against his chest like it could stop anytime from now. Tons of sweat beads were released from his sweat glands. His toe curled up, his eyes refused to open, his chest became heavy and his body was trembling. He was having sleep paralysis, yet, it was not only that. A few minutes later, this torture ended. He woke up with a jerk and sat up straight.

His uneven breaths eventually turned out into sobs and cries. He smiled and laughed in between.

"I... I can't believe this... Is this real? Or... Am I still dreaming? Oh... My God!" Sumedh looked at his phone, it shows 11:11 pm. He took his phone and googled something that he was searching for. Surprisingly, what he saw in his dream was right. Previously, he had a similar dream, but this time it was more detailed and complete. Sumedh clutched his curls waiting for the next day to begin. He was sleepless the whole night. Sharp at 7 in the morning, he took a quick bath. He grabbed his phone as well as his car keys and drove to meet someone.

After an hour of searching, he finally found them in the same temple. It was the same couple in their 50s who he saw at the temple. They claimed him that they know him but that Sumedh has no idea about it. But now, Sumedh hugged them both, while shedding tears. Who could that be? His parents?

They were having long conversations.

"She is also?" The lady in her 50's asked.

"Ye.. yes! You would not believe it!" Sumedh took out his phone and showed her a picture of Mallika. The lady kissed the photo as tears rolled down her slightly wrinkled skin.

"I think it's meant to be! Be happy both of you! V.. sorry, Sumedh and Mallika! May all the happiness be with both of you. You guys deserve so much better. Thank you and sorry for everything." The old man said while giving me one last hug to Sumedh before leaving.

Sumedh sat in the hallway of the temple while staring at the idol of the Lord.

"What shall I call this? A game of yours? I wasn't into all this, but ... You proved me wrong. Once again, I'm tied up by destiny. Yes, destiny! That's what brought us together again. Let us live happily ever after." He whispered to himself. At the very same time, he heard the temple bell. To their surprise, it was Pravisht and Anika causally on their morning date. They were surprised to see Sumedh there.

"Hey, buddy! Is everything alright? Happy to find you early in the morning here!" Pravisht gave a fist bump to him.

"Hey, Sumedh! Are you okay? Your face is reddish?" Anika was concerned.

"I gotta tell you both something. I'm not sure if you're going to trust me or not. But, what I say is 100 percent true!" Sumedh said nervously.

"Okay, okay! Chill. Tell us!" Sumedh narrated what he dreamt and what he got to know from the old couples.

"What on earth are you saying? Are you serious!?" Pravisht was surprised.

"This is unbelievable. I only heard this in fairy tales and fictional stories." Anika said.

"I know! When I met them for the first time, I asked Mallika about this as she might have some knowledge about it. She said it can happen. Now, I totally believe it!" Sumedh chuckled.

"I have to say it to her right now! I... I..." Sumedh hesitated.

"You?" Anvisht asked in unison.

"I love her! I loved her! I will love her! I only understand it now. Indeed a dumbass I am!" Sumedh smiled wide. Anvisht dropped their jaw in surprise and happiness.

"Then don't delay it. Go tell it to her!" Pravisht said.

"By the time we get married, I want both of you to stand as a committed couple and clap for us!" Anika jumped for joy. Sumedh nod his head as his cheeks turned crimson.

Mallika woke up with those tear stains on her face

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Mallika woke up with those tear stains on her face. She found herself under Arjun. She slowly get rid of him and went to the balcony. Mallika stared at Sumedh's house blankly thinking about last night's arguments she had with her mother. She neither could ignore her mom nor hide her feelings for Sumedh. But at the end of the day, she must decide to do either one. In that case, she decided to ignore Sumedh, not only for the sake of her mother's word but because she thinks that he deserves more and better.

She had a quick bath and went down to talk to her mother, but Ruby ignored her. She neither served her breakfast nor talked to her. Ruby's behavior hurt Mallika badly and she left her house for work without letting anyone know. She skipped work and decided to talk some fresh air to calm her mind and soul.

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