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It's the weekend and Mallika decided to visit the library once again. She went with hesitation and spoke to the librarian at the counter.

"Hmm, good morning miss," Mallika said in a low voice.

"Good morning miss, how can I help you?"

"Uhm, actually I'm here to.. err... To apologize!"

"Apologize for?"

"Well... About the mess that happened yesterday!?" Mallika clenched her teeth.

"You mean about the bookshelves? Was it you?" The librarian asked in shock.

"Ya, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble for you, but I panicked. I was a librarian once upon a time too. I know how stressful this situation could be. But I couldn't help myself at that time." She was speaking fast due to nervousness.

"You didn't cause trouble to us, but to an innocent man, I guess!" The librarian narrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Mallika was dumbfounded.

"A man was found under the books and we assumed he cause the mess yesterday. So, instead of compensation, we demand he clean up the mess. It seems we punished an innocent because of you!" The librarian glared at Mallika and turned around, arranging some files.

"I am really..." Before Mallika could finish the librarian interrupted.

"No point in apologizing to me, but to that man. You can find his name and address in this record book!" She placed the book on the counter with a thud. Mallika was a little scared by her behavior.

"How do I know his name?" Mallika mumbled which was heard by her.

"He's the only man who visited the library yesterday among the few visitors as per my assumption. His name starts from the letter 'S' if I'm not mistaken. Please do check!"

"Her ears are sharp!" Once again Mallika mumbled.

"They are!" The librarian threw a cold glance at Mallika.

Without sparing a glance at the librarian, Mallika opened the record book and flipped the pages, where the record of yesterday's visitors was. As the librarian said, there were very few people who visited the library yesterday. She searched for the letter 'S' and her eyes fall on that name.

"Shah Rukh Khan? Address, Bollywood? What on earth is this?" Mallika questioned herself.

"I've never seen such thing as absurd as this in the past 5 years of my life!" Mallika slapped her forehead and closed the book. She handed the book to the other librarian and went from there. Before heading out, she paused for a minute. She remembered about the books she wanted to borrow and went in again. She took small and careful steps while watching the floor so that no 'lizard' would disturb her again. She searched for the books according to the genre and barcodes but she failed in finding them.

"My bad luck! I made someone's day bad and they made mine worse. Those books were impressive." Mallika muttered while heading out until her phone rang. It was Anika.

"Hi bro, did you apologize to the librarians?"

"I did but it was a waste!"

"What do you mean?"

"It's a big story bro!"

"That's okay, where are you exactly now?"

"I'm at the guardhouse of the library, why?"

"Pravi and I have something to say to you, we'll talk while stuffing some delicious biryani!" Anika's voice was enough to tell how much she was drooling over her favorite food.

"You and you're biryani!" Mallika chuckled.

"You and you're biryani!" Mallika chuckled

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At restaurant

"Mallika, we are here to inform you that..." Pravisht started.

"OUR ENGAGEMENT IS NEXT MONTH!" Anvisht said in unison and excitement.

"What? Oh my god! Congratulations guys!" Mallika was equally excited as them.

"So, as we said before, you helped us alot in my love journey. Without you, maybe we wouldn't make it this far. The way you always advise us, give us positivity, and stood by us whenever our love almost tear apart." Anika pressed her lips trying to control her emotions.

"Come on bro, that was long ago!" Mallika said humbly although she know that they would have broken up long ago if she didn't react.

"Yet, we should never forget who helps us! There's something I always wanted to tell you Mallika, besides you, there's this one person who always stood by us! Just like how you are to Anika, he is to me! I might have not spoken about him, but he's my buddy! My best friend since my childhood." Pravisht said.

"What? So there's another me, who could replace me?" Mallika crossed her arms against her chest, being a little jealous.

"Awww, I'm not sure why are you jealous of him, but you both are very similar to each other. I'm sure you would like him!" Anika said. Although she never met him, Pravisht always talked about him by the name 'buddy' instead of calling him his real name.

"Ooohh yaa... Something just clicked on me!" Pravisht said with a little smirk playing on his face.

"What is it?" Mallika asked in confusion.

Pravisht whispered something to Anika in her ears. Anika and Pravisht looked at each other as if they understood something.

"Hello, Mr & Mrs. Pravisht? What's going on?" Mallika asked sarcastically.

"Well, we just had a little calculation," Anika said.

"What is it?"

"So you see Mallika, My buddy's best friend who is me, marrying Anika, who is your best friend. So, someone's best friend is marrying someone else's best friend, so why not the remaining best friends get married?"

"Pravisht, frankly speaking! I don't understand a single piece of your word! Would you like to clear yourself!"

"Wait Pravi, my bestie will understand only if I speak. Mallika, let me finish this short and sweet. As we said earlier, Buddy and you are so similar in character and how you both react. You're my bestie, and buddy is Pravisht's bestie. Why not both of you... You know...?"

"WHAT?" Mallika's face turned red.

"See, even when you explain she didn't understand!" Pravisht said.

"No, I understood! But I ain't committing in any relationship for now!" Mallika said firmly, eating a spoonful of raita (yogurt with cucumber and onion) to avoid blushing.

Blushing? Why is she blushing? She doesn't even know him, then why is she blushing? Similarly, she blushed every time Pravisht teased her with literally no one. Isn't it weird?

Well to know more about that, stay tuned.

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