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It was 7 in the morning when Mallika heard the chirping of the birds. She rubbed her eyes before opening the. while stretching her legs. Due to overstretching, her foot is cramped. She winced in pain while shouting her mom's name. Suddenly, a pair of hands held her foot and massaged it gently. Ruby used to do this for her every time Mallika's legs cramped, but this time it wasn't that same soft hands. It was bigger, warmer, and safer. After being relieved from the pain, Mallika opened her eyes slowly.

"Sumedh?" She exclaimed in shock and instantly held her head which was heavy due to the hangover.

"What... are you doing here? My mom... Oh right! They aren't home yet. But how did you get in my house?"

"Uhm, well... I think you gotta chill first" Sumedh said while continuing to massage her foot.

"You shouldn't be touching my foot!" She quickly pulled back her leg. Sumedh looked at her in surprise.

'Touch? Damn little lady, I kissed your foot yesterday. Have you forgotten it?' Sumedh thought.

"Wait a minute! I don't understand why is my head spinning. Why is my room-... Is this even my room-.." Mallika was in pure confusion.

"Calm down! You're in my room, my house. Yesterday, uhm... you were quite drunk. So I had no other choice." Sumedh said.

"Drunk? How?" Mallika was shocked.

"Uhm, that's quite a big story." Sumedh narrated how Mallika was drunk.

"I'm glad you snatched the bottle from me. Or else, I wouldn't have woken up for another 3 days I guess." Mallika said while clutching her hair.

"Hey, here. Drink this lime juice. It will help with your hangover." After drinking it, Mallika sat quietly next to him, and so he does. There was a pin-drop silence between them. Mallika was wondering whether she had blurted anything about her to him. Sudden of all, her eyes fell on the lost anklet which was now fixed on her leg.

"Hey, it's my anklet. Did I get it back? How?"

"Don't you remember anything?" Sumedh asked out of curiosity.

"No, I remember none!"

"Then... I think you have to force yourself to remember certain things. I'm not saying anything!" Sumedh smirked.

"What is that? Sumedh please tell me na, I hate suspense."

"It's not suspense, but something you would remember eventually if you try harder. All the best!" Sumedh said and left the room with a smile. Mallika washed her face and stared at her face in the mirror. She tried to recall yesterday's incidents, from Sumedh revealing his past and she slowly got drunk. As she shut her eyes tighter, she gradually remembers Sumedh telling her about their first meeting. She remembered whatever he said to her, but not what she told him. Poor Mallika didn't know that she has already expressed her feelings for him.

 Poor Mallika didn't know that she has already expressed her feelings for him

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