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Sumellika get into the backseat without asking why Sumedh is seated behind. They just accepted it and continued their journey. Mallika let her hair down and sat with her legs half folded and back leaning comfortably. Anika noticed this from the rear mirror and smirked to herself.

"Wah Ji, Mallika Ji! Never had I ever seen you sitting comfortably with a guy like this. Just a few days back when Pravi picked up his younger brother with you in the car, you were sticking to the door like a lizard, although there was much space between him and you. Hmm.. I sense something new here!" Anika thought. Just then, Anika noticed the playlist in the car. She noticed a song and quickly played it.

As the music started, Mallika's lips stretched into a wide smile. Sumedh too smiled, remembering his second meet with Mallika as this song was playing in his AirPods. The dark evening clouds were carrying a freezing breeze with them. Mallika opened the window of the backseat to feel the cool sensation of the amazing evening nature.

The breeze kissed every inch of her skin, sending chills down her spine. Her long hair which constantly carries the fragrance of jasmine was thrown back by the heavy breeze. Coincidentally, her hair falls on Sumedh's face, ticking his skin. As he inhaled the fragrance of Mallika's hair, he felt something he never felt before. Not even from his ex. This was beyond amusement for him. He felt this very long ago, but not sure when. He tried to remove her hair from his face. At the same time, Mallika looked at him to apologize for letting her hair flaunt him.

With a few stands of her hair still blocking his eyesight, his hazel green eyes met with her brown ones. Neither this was their first eye meeting, but it felt as if this exact scene is a loop of something that happened long ago.

"I'm so sorry!" Mallika said, putting up her hair into a messy bun. Sumedh said nothing but looked out from the other side window.

'What was this strange feeling?' He thought. On the other hand, Mallika was internally screaming out the lyrics of this song as she was dedicated to Sumedh. She rested her upper limb on the window and rested her head on it, while her eyes were fixed on Sumedh.

Sudden of all, her phone rang. Mallika was pissed off by the caller ID. It was none other than Meghan.

"I told you to block him!" Anika frowned.

"I thought he would have changed!" Mallika justified.

"One who wants to change will accept the change and won't be sticking to the past! Isn't the pain and trauma he gave you more than enough? What else is left for him to give you?" Anika was shouting.

"I know but I'm afraid that he would get hurt!" Mallika said.

"This is your problem, you always think about others but never think about your feelings! This is why you end up getting hurt by everyone, you dumbass!" Anika scolded her, to which Mallika just remained silent. What Anika told was not a false statement either.

"Have you forgotten how much he hurt you, insulted you? He insulted you for not having a surname because your parent's marriage was interracial. Despite all this, you still think about how would he feel?"

'That's what makes her stand out from others!' Sumedh thought. The phone was continuously ringing, and before Mallika could cut the call and block his number, Sumedh snatched her phone from her.
"Arey, Sumedh Ji, what are you doing?" Mallika panicked. "Chill!" Sumedh said and casually answered the phone.

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