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Mallika sat on her bed, with Arjun on her lap. She took out her diary with a quote that goes like 'The Mind is Everything' on it. She flipped to the 3rd page and wrote what has happened today. No! Not the incident of meeting the stranger boy, but the beautiful feeling she had when listening to that song.

'Imagine being a brown girl living in a city in the modern world not being able to embrace her dream life. I just want to run through a big empty hall or an open field, wearing a black, light-weighted, and simple lehenga. I just want to dance with my soulmate whom I'm waiting for. I want to look into his eyes and find peace in them. I want to lay on the ground with him next to me, holding each other's hands while adoring each other. The situation will be even more perfect when the Mehabooba song runs in the background. How cinematic is it? Yes! I want a cinematic life. I couldn't live my dream to show up in the camera, at least let me live a similar life with my soulmate. #25March22'

Mallika was smiling wide until the pages of her diary flipped a few pages ahead. Her smile instantly dropped, and her eyes went low.

"Imagine, just imagine. This is not gonna happen in real life! You don't deserve it!" She said to herself in a tired voice. Mallika locked her diary and hide it in her treasure box where she used to keep the gifts that she received. She went to bed with a faint smile and something heavy disturbing her inner peace.

 She went to bed with a faint smile and something heavy disturbing her inner peace

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Sumedh lay on the couch after refreshing his body from the powdered colors. As soon as he shut his eyes, a pair of beautiful intoxicating eyes appeared. The sound of the anklets was tinkling in his ears. The visuals of the stranger were haunting him. Sumedh woke up with a jerk, looking at the anklet on the bedside table.

"Why do I have a feeling that this anklet belongs to that girl? Whatever it is, if we were destined to meet, I'll give her this. If it belongs to her, she would take it, if not then this will belong to the bin I guess. Wait- Destiny? Why am I even speaking like Pravisht? No destiny, no fate! It's fake." Sumedh went back to his sleep, yet those eyes weren't stopping haunting him. He tried to take a nap, but all he saw when he closed his eyes were her eyes.

"Dammnnn it! Don't say you're in love! Your perfect traits don't exist my boy..." He consoled his confused and restless heart. Hearing his ringtone, Sumedh walked to his study table and picked up the call.

"Mr. Sumedh?" A female voice was heard over the phone.

"Yes? Who is this?"

"I'm the house contractor you texted earlier this week. I've seen you searching for an empty lot to build your own house, am I right?"

"Yes ma'am, you're right"

"Perfect! I've found an empty and a big lot just 3km away from another housing area. It's kinda peaceful as there are no other buildings around."

"That would be perfect, miss. By the way, do you know whether there are any houses for rent near the empty lot? I'm planning to shift soon from the hectic apartment."

"You're lucky sir, there's this Bengali family who shifted to Bengal recently. They don't want to sell their house but just wanted to leave it for rent. As I said earlier, this house is just 3km away from the empty lot. Do you consider seeing the pictures?"

"I would love to!"

"Alright sir, I'll send it to you right now. How about the lot sir? Do you want to buy it?"

"Yes, I'm buying it. Please make the necessary processes miss. Thanks"

"Sure sir. Have a nice day!"

"You too.." Sumedh hung up the call and jumped on his bed.

"Goal number 5 achieved!" Just then, he received the pictures of the house. He kinda likes the surroundings and also the interior of the house. Sumedh agreed to stay for rent in that house temporarily until he finds a perfect design to build his new house. After this good news, his eyes again fall on the anklet and he immediately remembered that stranger.

"Was it the luck she gave- Shut up Sumedh, shut up! No luck no whatever! You've been working on this for years. And it paid off! That's all. Now carry your butt to the bed!" He scolded himself and fell asleep after forcefully blinking his eyes to make his eyelids tired.

On the other hand, Mallika woke up due to the sudden dryness in her throat. She decided to walk down the stairs to get her water bottle. Just then, she realized that the anklet on her left leg was missing.

"Where did it go?" Mallika panicked as she knew she's gonna get scolded by her mom for missing her pure silver anklet. She lost her sleepiness due to panicking. So she decided to read any book from her collection. Unfortunately, she has already read all the books almost twice or thrice.

"I shall visit the library someday!" Mallika huffed and paused for a second. Then, she took out a notebook and started to write something.

What could it be?

Hey Everyone, Nice to see You guys again❤️

Please bear with the boring and dry storyline... Soon it will be better, I guess🤪

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