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Having a beautiful life-like Sumellika would be the dream of every couple on earth. The most understanding, ego-less, loyal husband and the most caring, lovely and calm wife. They were indeed a match made in heaven. From dying together in their last birth, now living together with the utmost happiness.

Every morning, Sumedh and Mallika would wake up early in the morning and go for a morning jog. Fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle, isn't it? Sharing a pair of airpods, with their favourite motivational song playing, they challenge each other like kids during the jog. Even the neighbours would be so surprised and jealous to see such a lovely and happy couple.

After their morning exercise, they take turns to freshen up. After that, they'll make a simple breakfast such as pancakes, toast, fruit salads or sandwiches for them to eat on the way to work. Mallika will drive to her clinic and Sumedh will go to trade along with Pravisht as he is still on his leave for his pilot job. Unlike other couples, they don't text each other during work. But it doesn't mean they don't love each other. They just gave some space to them during their work and quit distracting them.

In the evening, both Sumedh and Mallika would come back home. The first thing they both do is take a hot bath and pray together. After that, they will do the house chores together. As Sumedh sweeps the floor, Mallika would mop it with Dettol liquid. If Sumedh drys the clothes after washing, Mallika would fold and arrange them in the cupboard. If Mallika cuts the vegetables, Sumedh would cook. And if Mallika washes the dishes, Sumedh would dry and arrange them.

As they promised, they always eat together. When it comes to dinner time, they don't prioritize their handphones, but only each other. They sit at the dining table, eating with one hand and holding the other hand, telling each other what happened around them when they weren't together.

Every night is a compulsory movie night for them both. Making popcorn soaked in caramel or making delicious homemade potato chips, Sumedh and Mallika would cuddle under the heavy duvet while watching Netflix. They'd be the goofiest couples in private and the most professional couple in public.

Every Saturday is a lazy one for this couple. They wake up late, skipping their breakfast. After that, they would visit Shiva & Ruby for lunch and go to the temple at night. It's like a fixed routine for them on the Saturdays.

Meanwhile on Sunday, it's either an adventurous, romantic or progressive day for them. They would go hiking with and without Anvisht sometimes, to the gym or even just a random park to get some fresh air. And their week continues that way. Life seems perfect this way, right? Everything is pre-planned, organized and smooth. Sumedh, Mallika and their lovely doggo, Arjun!

But, won't a relationship get boring without fights and arguments? And is there any relationship without arguments? Obviously no. And so in our Sumellika's life.

It's a Friday night, and Sumellika are watching Bajirao Mastani's movie. Mallika suddenly thought what if she's infertile, while watching the part Mastani gets pregnant and Bajirao is on cloud nine. Mallika who was resting her head on Sumedh's lap, called his name all of a sudden.

"Yes, my love?" He answered eyes still on the TV while munching some popcorn.

"What would you do if I'm infertile?" Mallika asked.

"What can I do? Nothing!" He said calmly.

"Will you be mad?"

"Mad?" Sumedh paused the movie and made her sit properly. "Why on earth would I be mad, Miku? In fact, pssst" He pulled her a little closer and whispered in her ears, "I don't have to spend on condoms!" He smirked.

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