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After the housewarming ceremony, the guests went away, except for one. He brought her to the backyard and was having a cup of tea with her.

"Long time no see! No talk too!" He said with full sarcasm while sipping his favorite masala chai.

"I.. uhm.. I was a little busy with my clients! Why didn't you text if you long?" Mallika asked.

"I didn't want to disturb you. But maybe, it was meant for us to meet. Not then, but now. And we did! Hi, my new neighbor!" Sumedh said. He continued, "But are you sure you did pass a day without thinking about me? I mean, why didn't I text you?"

"How did he- Wait! He knows face reading right?" Mallika's eyes went wide as she thought. Immediately, she faked a cough and covered her face with her dupatta.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Sumedh asked not knowing how to stop her coughs.

"I'm... I'm just allergic to the smoke from the fire." She covered up. Sumedh gave her a suspicious look as she was perfectly alright during the yagna and now when there's no smoke, she's coughing. Later he realizes the tiny bit of lie he told her that he knows face reading. His lips formed a pout to cover his laughter.

"I.. I have to go!" Mallika said. "Stop me", she thought while walking away from him.

"Err...Shall we go out?" Sumedh asked out of nowhere. Mallika's feet paused on her path.

"You and me... Along with Anika and Pravisht? For a hike maybe?"

"Sure! After all, a hike with my new neighbor!" She said giving him a last glance before she leaves.

Both of them still couldn't believe that they are lost to each other. Ignoring each other after this onward is going to be awkward and stressful.

That night, Mallika video called Anika and Pravisht. Mallika kept her phone on her lap as she was searching for something on the laptop while narrating how Sumedh became her neighbor. Little did she know, naughty Pravisht has already added Sumedh to the video call.

"Mallika, we're all leaving for the village next morning and will be staying there for a month! It's been years!" In between their video call, Ruby interrupted excitedly.

"Village? Why so?" Mallika asked not so interested.

"As if you don't know! It's Meghan's wedding anniversary. He invited all of us!"

"I've no time. I have plenty of clients for the next 3 weeks. I won't be able to come anywhere." Although she didn't have any, she lied to her mother.

"You still hate him, don't you?" Ruby asked.

"Of course!"

"Malli.. he's such a good-"

"That's enough Mumma, I'm busy right now. You all enjoy!"

"Stubborn and stone-hearted!" Ruby mumbled while shutting the door fast.

"Uff that was a rapid convo!" Pravisht huffed.

"What's the prob bro?" Anika asked.

"Who else! My mom's favorite person. Mr. Meghan! Oops! Mr. Meghan Jadhav" Mallika said sarcastically pressing his surname.

"Ooh!" Anika rolled her eyes.

"Who's that?" Pravisht asked.

"Mallika's ex!" Anika said.

"EX?" Sumedh shouted out of nowhere in extreme shock. "She has an ex?" He thought.

Mallika who heard his voice took her phone and was surprised that Sumedh was also on the call. He didn't speak a single word since he joined the call. And now his face represents the icon for the word called 'shock'.

"Ooh, that village guy! What about him?" Pravisht asked.

"It's his wedding anniversary celebration. He sent the invitation to us and my mom wants to go. But I'm not gonna go." Mallika said while kinda adoring Sumedh's slightly jealous face. Jealous? Over her married ex?

"You better not!" Anika rolled her eyes.

"But why?" Pravisht asked curiously.

"He tortured her during the relationship and even after that! A jerk he is!" Anika burst out. Your best friend would indeed have your ex more than you do.

"Hey, don't say that bro! Ya, we had some problems but he's still a good person!" Mallika defends him.

"What are you trying to say? That your ex isn't toxic?" Anika asked narrowing her eyebrows.

"I'm trying to say that not all exes are toxic! I mean, look at us! We were all once upon a time someone's ex, right? We aren't toxic!" Mallika winked to which Anvisht laughed. Sumedh chuckled but deep in his mind, he wants to know more about her ex.

"Do you mind telling us about your ex?"



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Author's Note!

We would be having a flashback story soon. For maybe 2 to 3 chapters. Please do not skip it, it's one of the important parts of the story.

Don't forget to


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