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Mallika opened her eyes as her tears were mixed up with the raindrops. She sat with a straight face although her almond eyes turned red and swollen from shedding tears since the morning. The park was empty as it was raining. The sky was turning dark but Mallika still wasn't able to find inner peace. Suddenly, the rainfall wasn't drenching her anymore but all other places. Someone was holding an umbrella for her. When she turned to her right side to see who it is, it was the smiling moon-like face. Sumedh! He wore a warm and wide smile. Mallika's breath hitched as she looked at him. She was able to feel a sob that rushes to free themselves, but she forced herself to not expose her feelings.

Mallika looked away from Sumedh and walked further, wetting under the rain.

"Mallika, you might catch a cold! Come, I'll drop you at your house." Sumedh said following her with the umbrella.

"No, thanks!"

"Thanks? Why all these formalities between us?" Sumedh was confused.

"Nothing, I was just being polite," Mallika answered without looking at him. Sumedh sensed something was wrong and blocked her way. He noticed that her face is so red and her eyes went small.

"Did you cry?" He asked with concern.

"Mallika, if there's something that's bothering you, I'm always here. You can share anything with me. Just like you were there for me without judging, I'd be there for you too." Sumedh lifts her chin softly.

"I'm fine!" She turned away and was taking small steps. Sumedh's presence, his voice, his smell, and his shadow were all that would make her feel better. But when thinking about letting him go, she feels like her heart is squashed. She has no other choice either. She gave importance to his better life.

"No, you're not!" He said loud and sternly which made Mallika flinch and lose her balance. Sumedh held her by her shoulders before she falls into the mud.
Their closeness and the weather made increase Mallika's urge to stare into his eyes and be lost there. When Mallika looked into Sumedh's eyes, she found something new. Pure love and concern, but she consoled herself that it was nothing. Whereas, while looking into Mallika's eyes, Sumedh found fear, pain, and hurt. Sumedh's forehead wrinkled as he was thinking what was the reason behind this. Mallika got rid of his grip and went further from him, as much as possible.

"When you walk further from me, we aren't near to each other. But even if you go to a different universe, we will still be close. We might not be near but always close!" Sumedh said. Mallika instantly paused her walk. She was confused by his words. Sumedh ran and stood in front of her.

"Mallika, I came to say something really important to you. I don't know what is bothering you, but I'm sure what I am going to say, is going to make your day better. Better? Damn, it's gonna be the best! It will instantly free you from any kind of problem you are facing. Please listen to me!" Sumedh begged her. Mallika stayed silent. She quietly sat on the bench she earlier sat on. Sumedh smiled as she finally was ready to listen to him.

He went near her and knelt down.

"Mallika, maybe I was quite late. Good things take time na? But, I've realized everything. Literally everything Mallika. I might be bad at words. I'm not a writer or poet like you. I can't use beautiful words and lovely vocabulary to capture one's attention unlike you. Please bear with my dry words. I hope you would. Would you?" Sumedh looked at her in a questioning manner. Mallika nodded with the utmost confusion.

"As I said, after the two people I love truly rejected me, I lost interest in love and thought love is fake and complicated. But now I understand that love is not complicated, but people are. First of all, I get to know what love is from you. That day at the hiking spot, the words you say to me, made me realize that love is something different from obsession, empathy, admiration, crush, and attraction. Technically, you are the one who taught me what love is. You were born to teach me what love is." Sumedh paused for a second and then continued.

"I don't believe all this astrology and numerology. But I still remember, one astrologer said that I would meet a girl 5 times continuously in five months. And that girl would be my soulmate. And do you know who that girl was?" Sumedh blushed slightly.

"The first time I saw you in the field of colors, the colors of love, my soul recognized you, the other part of it. My soulmate. Mallika, you are the one! I Love You Mallika. Maybe not like your parents, your siblings, or your best friend, Anika but definitely more than them. Will you accept me as your lover? Will you allow our souls to mingle and be as one?" Sumedh let out his feelings in the form of words.

Mallika's lips were trembling, her chest felt heavier than ever. Her eyes went moist, once again. The hair on her skin stood up straight as the result of goosebumps. That was what she wanted to hear from Sumedh. But definitely not in this situation and at this time. She urges throw herself and screams 'I Love You Too'. Her inner self was screaming and crying whereas her face was expressionless. She pressed her lips controlling her emotions and feelings.

"Sumedh! I think you mistook my friendship. I'm sorry but I can't accept your proposal!" Mallika said and got up. She walked away from him while crying silently. She clutched her blouse with one hand and closed her mouth with another one. On the other hand, the umbrella from Sumedh's hand slipped and fell down, exposing him to the downpour. He didn't expect this from Mallika.

"Maybe she's not interested in m.." Then Sumedh remembered she was blurting that she loved him on that night of the house party. He was at the peak of confusion. She ran behind her and blocked her way.

"STOP LIEING MALLIKA!" Sumedh stopped her by holding her wrist. Mallika didn't speak a word.

"Please don't say a word Mallika! Don't! Please!" Mallika said to herself under her breath.

"You love me! I know it and it's a hundred percent sure because you yourself said it to me! Through your eyes, your words, your care!"


It's been exactly a year since I updated the prologue of Soul Met Soulmate. 30/11/21 - 30/11/22 and now this is my 30th part of the book🥳

In the first part, Sumedh didn't want to fall in love. Doesn't believe in destiny. But a year later, in the 30th part of the book, he proposed to a girl, talking about destiny and understanding love as a whole. That's a huge glow up right? Glow up in thoughts.

Thanks for making this book possible. I'd appreciate it if those silent readers who like my book, voted and commented. That's all for now. Parmitha signing off.

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