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"Sumi, it's taking forever to reach whenever you are taking me to. It's already dark, baby!" Mallika pouted.

"Relax Jaan! I'm sure the wait will be worth it!" Sumedh smirked.

"Acha? Let me see!"

"Sumi, what is all with this blindfold again?"

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"Sumi, what is all with this blindfold again?"

"Shhhh!" Sumedh finished tying the blindfold, scooped Mallika in his arm in the bridal style, and walked a distance. The breeze around them was suddenly cold and smells like pastry.

"Nutella and Strawberry Croissants, Oreo Doughnuts, Peanut Butter and Blueberry Waffles, Pandan Layer Cakes, Raisins Muffins and Hot Chocolate!" Mallika found out what was there just by smelling the aroma of those pastries. She licked her lips hungrily.

"With whipped cream and extra love!" Sumedh slowly put her down and unblinded her fold.

Mallika was standing on rose petals. On a huge and cozy white picnic blanket, there was a mini table and basket filled with the pastries as Mallika guessed. In two mugs written 'Soul' and 'Mate' respectively was filled with hot chocolate and extra whipped cream on it. The picnic blanket was fenced with Sumellika's Polaroid picture and also a few red and pink helium balloons tied down. For the brightness, the area was outlined with candles and led lights.

Mallika would surely regret calling Sumedh as an unromantic and boring person. She carried her lehenga slightly and roamed the place like a walking angel. Her eyes brimmed with tears looking at his efforts to make her happy, although his presence is more than enough for her.

"Come!" He whispered and made her sit on the picnic blanket. He took a plate and served her with her favourite pastries. As she was enjoying the food, Sumedh rest his chin on his palm, while adoring his hungry girlfriend. After eating, Mallika was looking at those Polaroids one by one. Compared to having romantic and formal pictures, they have tons of goofy and candid images in which Sumedh would never stop making funny faces. She chuckled while looking at those pictures again.

Mallika laid on the blanket with Sumedh, while facing the dark sky filled with millions of stars and a beautiful waning crescent moon. Mallika entwined her fingers with Sumedh's saying nothing. She loves this. Probably this is what they call heaven! The silence surrounded by nature and her man by her side. She felt complete even before anything started.

"Oh shit!" Sumedh exclaimed all of a sudden.

"What's wrong Sumi?" Mallika was tensed.

"There's this thing I forgot! Come with me!"

"Not again babe!" Mallika frowned. But every time he does this, he impressed her a little more. They held hands and walked deeper into the place. From a distance, Mallika could hear rhythmic water sound and the air was even chiller than before.

"To your surprise..." Sumedh showed her the vast lake with a boat decorated with flowers and lights. This was one of her bucket list. Mallika was overwhelmed with happiness. Sumedh carefully brought his lady into the boat and made her to sit. Sumedh ride the boat as if he knows, of course he does. Anything for his wifey. He played a song for her feel which was 'Dhadak'. It was one of her favorite songs for night drives too.

"Are you happy?" Sumedh asked while placing Mallika's feet on this thigh.

"You have no idea about how much I am!" Mallika said. Mallika splashed water on him. And so does Sumedh. They have drenched by splashing the lake water at each other. At one part, they were tired.

"I will come to ask your hand in marriage to me in a proper way tomorrow. I can't wait to make you officially as my wife." Sumedh said and kissed her feet. Mallika ruffled his curls and put down her feet. She sat next to him while resting her head on his shoulder. Sumedh paused from riding the boat and lean backwards, sitting comfortably. Unknowingly they fall in sleep. The most peaceful sleep they ever had. Around 11pm, Sumedh received a phone call from Ruby. Sumedh woke up and looked at the caller ID.

"I'm dead!" Sumedh was scared to death.

"Maa?" He answered the call.

"Is everything alright?" Ruby asked tensed.

"Yes ma... Uhm we actually fall asleep in the car. Will be heading to house right now. Don't worry!"

"Alright, drive safely beta!" Ruby hangs the phone.

"Miku... Miku baby! It's time, let's go!!" Sumedh woke her up. Mallika woke up with a jolt.

"Maa just called me!" Sumedh said.

"Gosh! Was she angry?"

"Nope but just tensed. Let's go home now. Poor them, must be really worried."

"Ya let's go!"

After reaching, Mallika just realized that she was in lehenga

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After reaching, Mallika just realized that she was in lehenga.

"Sumedh, can you unhook my blouse?"

"Baby, what is all this? That's absolutely bad.!" Sumedh said.


"All this after our marriage only!" Mallika finally understood what he meant.

"A real Dumbo you are. I have my crop top and jeans underneath the lehenga Dumbo, I can't go in with this dress!" Mallika slapped his forehead.

"Oh! My bad!" He smiled sheepishly and helped her to unhook her blouse. Then, Mallika fold it lehenga and put it in her bag pack and brought it inside.

"Oii!" Sumedh shouted. Only then she realised that she forgot to give him a goodbye hug. She run in tiny steps towards Sumedh and gave him a tight hug and a kiss on his nose.

"Goodnight love!" Mallika brushed her nose with his.

"Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams. May this Sumedh disturb you in your dreams too!" He winked and drove to his house.

As soon as she entered the house, she realized that everyone was already slept.

"If I knew that they were already slept, I would have spent some time with him and not struggle to take off this beautiful lehenga!" Mallika mumbled to herself and went to her room. After having a night bath, she immediately falls asleep. Mallika can't wait for tomorrow, where he would officially ask her parents for a marriage with her.

Now quick things has changed! Right?
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