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Three days it has been since Mallika opened up to Sumedh. Yet, no messages or calls from him. He doesn't even show up at his house and so Mallika does. With Arjun by her side, she locks herself in the room. Sometimes staring at the sky, sometimes at herself. Sometimes reading books, something pretending as if. Sometimes forgets herself and always thinks about him. Mallika took out a piece of paper and begin to do something she was passionate about. Writing. She scrawls her feelings in the form of words which she feels like poetry.

'It was a moment of bliss, a painful bliss when I realized you're mine which I can't call so. -THE EN...' before she puts a full stop, Ruby called her name. How many days it has been, her mother calling her name normally? Her eyes pooled instantly. When she didn't respond, Shiva's voice was heard too.

"Mallika beta, please come here!" He called her. Mallika was in her sweatshirt and sweatpants, threw her hair into a high messy bun, and didn't care to take off her spectacles but to rush to the living room. With a painful smile plastered on her face, she went to her parents who were sitting on the couch. She also saw Pravisht and Anika sitting on the stools.  But she was not in the state to greet them. Opposite them was sitting a person. Mallika only get to see their figure from the corner of her eyes as she didn't wish to see any strangers or outsiders.

"You called me?" Mallika asked. She was doubting that the figure she saw was none other than a marriage proposal for her. Lately, the talk about Mallika's marriage has been spreading like the Coronavirus among her cousins.

"We've brought you a marriage proposal!" Ruby said with a wide smile and slight tears in her eyes.

"Ma.. but... I'm not interested in marriage now! I'm sorry!" Mallika thought that Ruby forgave her and wanted to talk as usual. But it seems like she brought up something new. Mallika was disappointed and wanted to go back to her room.

"You might like him!" Sashi said crossing her arms against her chest.

"Bhabi, I won't! I just told you a few days back na?" Mallika whispered to her.

"What's all with these whispering, huh?" Naina, Devesh's wife asked.

"Beta, at least for once, look at the groom. Then, if you don't like him, we will not force you!" Shiva said.

"Look there! You will not regret it." Sashi and Naina teased her. Mallika raised her gaze towards the sitting figure with no interest at all. But why does her pupils dilate when she saw the sitting figure?

"Sumedh.." Her favorite name escaped from her mouth like a whisper. Sumedh was sitting there with a big smile on his face. Shiva and Ruby's smiles were genuine and so were Sashi and Naina's.

"He's the groom we selected for you. Now tell beta, do you agree? If you don't like him, then I shall send him away!" Shiva said teasingly.

"Before that, I shall talk to my daughter!" Ruby said standing. She brought Mallika to her room and locked the door. Mallika was at the peak of confusion. Was her mother threatened? How did she magically agree with someone to who she said no?

"I'm sorry my dear!" Ruby helplessly falls onto Mallika's feet.

"MAA! What are you doing?" Mallika was startled by Ruby's action and knelt.

"I fail to understand you! A bad mother I am. No the worst one left on earth!" Ruby cried while cupping Mallika's face.

"Maa, stop saying such words. You're a wonderful mom. I love you so much Maa!"

"What did I do to deserve your love except for keeping you in my senseless boundaries? I've been a heartless and selfish mother all these days, right?"

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