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"Sumedh, leave my hand!" Mallika tried to sound angry but her voice was heard as sad one to Sumedh.

"I hold your hand to hold it forever, not to leave it!" Sumedh said.

"It won't happen, Sumedh. Stop daydreaming!"

"Why not? Don't say because you don't love me. You had revealed your feelings for me that night after getting drunk. The truth comes out when we are not in our state. Thus, you love me. And that's what made me confident to propose to you and express my feelings!" Sumedh said. Mallika bites her tongue for blurting out that night. She had no other option but to admit 'partially' why she is saying no to him.

"FINE! But it's complicated Sumedh, try to understand." Mallika begged him.

"What should I understand when you're not telling me what is complicated?" Sumedh was frustrated.

"My mom! She wants me to marry a guy from her race, her choice! Understand? She wants a Maharashtrian as her son-in-law! You don't know about my mom. She is very adamant about this. She will not accept that I'm in love with someone that's not from her culture." Mallika turned to him and shouted.

"What?" Sumedh asked thinking that the excuse she gave was silly. "That's not a matter. It's 202.." Before he could finish, Mallika interrupted.

"But she's from the 60s! She has her old mindset. She wants me to get a surname, to show that I'm from her culture, as she didn't have one due to her intercultural marriage. Besides that, my mom has been tortured by her in-laws as she is from a different culture. She's afraid I will have to face the same situation."

"Mallika, I'm sure if we talk to your mom, she will understand. No one is unchangeable. If the culture is the problem, fine, I'll adapt to the culture. I have no problem with it. About in-laws? You don't have such! I'm an orphan. Do not forget it. There's no one besides me from my side. And of course, I will not torture you. Mallika, what's in a surname? That doesn't decide anything. A surname doesn't define a person's dignity. Their character does." Sumedh tried to make her understand. But the problem is, she understands it all. The actual person who needs to understand is her mother.

"If this is the case, it wouldn't be a problem. Now tell me, will you accept my proposal?" Sumedh asked softly.

Mallika sucked her cheeks that were exposing her downwards curving lips.

"Sorry, Sumedh. All I can say is no! You deserve better!" Mallika said and walked as fast as possible towards her clinic on the opposite side of the park. Sumedh's eyes went small.

"So, you're just giving me the excuse that other girls would give, to reject a proposal? Deserves better?" Sumedh mocked her sadly while following her.

"What I said wasn't an excuse, but the truth Sumedh. It's up to you to believe it or not!" Mallika slammed the door in his face. Fortunately, she didn't lock it.

Sumedh went in and locked her clinic. He went to her cabin and saw her resting her head on the table where her diary is kept open with a pen on it.

"Ok! It's your wish whether to accept one's proposal or not. And I'm not going to force you to accept it also! But give me a reason!" Sumedh said sitting on the chair.

"Reason for?" Mallika asked while sniffing.

"A reason for you to reject me! There's no reason to fall in love or to accept one's proposal. But there will surely be at least one reason to say no! Tell me that reason." Sumedh said while playing with a pen.

Mallika was dumbstruck. She never thought of anything like that before.

"It could be because I'm a pervert previously."

"Shut up Sumedh!"

"Shhh... Let me say. Or because I'm jobless for now, or because I'm not good enough for you!" Sumedh said while searching for a paper to scribble. When he saw her open book, he took it.

"SUMEDH, GIVE IT BACK!" Mallika shouted as she got up from the chair. Sumedh was suspicious of that book and Mallika's reaction.

"That's my diary. My personal!" Mallika said softly after realizing she is exposing herself making me feel suspicious.

"So, that means this book has an answer to my question, right?" Sumedh raised his eyebrows as he stood up trying to read it. Mallika followed him and tried to snatch the book from him.

"Sumedh, please. Give it back to me!" She tip-toed to get the diary from him but instantly failed. After a few attempts, she rudely snatched the book from him. Sumedh's anger knows no bounds.

"Mallika, you either tell me what's wrong or give me that damn diary! I need to find the answer to my questions!"

"Some questions do not need answers and that is the best idea always!" Mallika said and went nearer to her locker to keep her diary in it. She flinched and spun when she heard the loud sound of glass breaking. It was Sumedh. He punched his fist on the glass door and it broke. The broken pieces were stabbed into his hand and blood was rushing down his skin.

"SUMEDH!" Mallika's eyes pooled when she saw him bleeding. When she tried to get near him, Sumedh stopped her. What Pravisht told was right. Sumedh wouldn't get angry all the time, but when he does, it will look like this. Mallika was terrified by his anger and began to sob louder because Sumedh is hurting himself due to her stubbornness. She felt like killing herself for being problematic to everyone.

"FINE! GO AHEAD! GO READ THIS STUPID DIARY!" Mallika screamed and threw the diary at his feet. She knelt while crying badly with her both hands clutching her hair. Although Sumedh felt bad for her, he wants to find the truth behind why she is not accepting him.

Sumedh opened and read her diary. The first few pages were about herself. Like her name, her hobbies, and her likes and dislikes. Soon, he was horrified at what she wrote on it. He gritted his teeth as his blood boiled.

To know what is in the diary,


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