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Mallika was in the backyard, plucking some flowers for puja. All of a sudden, she heard a voice. A familiar voice that she yearned to hear.

"Miku..." Sumedh was sitting on the swing where Sumellika used to spend their leisure time. He smiled warmly at her.

"Sumedh?" Mallika's eyes pooled. She went near him with a painful smile.

"Come with me!" He stood up. Suddenly, Mallika realized that the environment was very cloudy. She couldn't see Sumedh anymore as he faded in their cloudiness.

"Sumedh!" Mallika exclaimed his name while waking up with a jerk from the bathtub. Only then did she realise it was a dream. She can still feel the heartbeat against her chest. Mallika walked out of the bathtub and accidentally stepped on the slippery tile. She almost fell down but fortunately, she held the door handle for support.

"Be careful, Miku!" She heard Sumedh's voice and saw him looking at her with worried eyes from the bed. When she went near to the bed, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

"What kind of hide and seek is this, Sumedh?" Mallika cried while lying on the bed with her towel. She misses him more and more as he appears randomly all of a sudden. Why is she hallucinating him everywhere suddenly after all these months?

Mallika wanted to sleep, but she knew that if she did, Sumedh would appear in her dream again. Thus, she decided to be productive. She was doing her house chores such as cleaning, laundry, cooking and all. Usually, she doesn't because she won't be in the mood to do all that. But to distract her mind from Sumedh's thoughts, she had to do it. The poor woman didn't expect that even while doing her chores, she would remember those times when they both used to do their housework together.

She begins to miss him alot today. "Come back to me, Sumedh!" She whispered while holding her belly. At the very same time, their little junior kicked her belly as if he were indicating something.

That night, Mallika took out her treasure box. That is where Mallika will store something memorable given by someone she loves. But it was majority filled with what Sumedh used and what Sumedh gave her. She was reading the letters Sumedh wrote for her. She also read her diary where she wrote how she felt about Sumedh whenever he made some tiny little gestures towards her. She saw those empty juice bottles and ice cream containers that Sumedh gave her for the first time. Those are real treasures for her. She fell asleep on the couch while holding that stuff.

The next morning, Mallika's phone was buzzing again. She woke up lazily to her ringtone sound. Only then did she remember the call from yesterday while she was bathing. When she looked at today's call, it was Pravisht. But the call she received yesterday was from an unknown number. Mallika chose to ignore those calls. But again and again, Pravisht was calling her. Her landline was also ringing. Mallika was fed up for a moment. But then she thinks what if Anika is in an emergency? Like herself, Anika is also 6 months pregnant. She didn't want to lose her best friend for her stupidity. Thus, she decided to call Pravisht. But before she could hit the dial button, she heard a knock on her front door.

She assumed that it should be Pravisht or Anika. For once in these 6 months, she felt like opening the door. She hopes she will not regret it. And we all do.

Mallika took tiny steps towards the door. For some reason, Mallika begins to sweat. She was nervous and her heart was racing. She has no idea why she feels that way, but she shrugs it off and opens the door.

It was pretty bright out there that the face of the person who was standing in front of her wasn't visible until that person took a step forward.

Sumedh it was. Mallika looked at him tiredly. "I had enough, Sumedh! Stop showing up when you can't stay with me forever. After all, you'll disappear in a millisecond." Mallika said and was about to close the door. But a strong force was stopping the door from being shut.

"Mallika, it's me, your Sumedh!" She heard her husband's trembling voice. Yet, she refused to believe that it was true. Sumedh then holds her wrist. As his skin touched hers, Mallika realized it was no longer a delusion but reality. Mallika turned to look at him again. Tear stains were all over his face and his eyes were red.

Mallika exhaled heavily. Her lips were quivering and her nose was flaring. Her lips parted, not knowing what to say. Her legs went numb, and she fell on her knees. Sumedh immediately held her and sat on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Mallika!" He said while crying. Mallika didn't say a word but went for a hug. But they couldn't due to her big belly. Only then, Sumedh noticed her belly.

"We are pregnant?" He asked emotionally to which Mallika nodded. He was happy at the same time guilty. "Please forgive me for leaving you in misery when you need me the most, Mallika! I'm so so sorry!" He cried.

Sumedh made her stand and hugged her from the side. "You're back, and that is more than enough for me. I knew nothing would happen to you and that you will never break your promise!" Mallika said while hiding her face in his biceps.

Sumedh kissed her forehead. When Mallika was about to kiss him back, she finally paid attention to the wounds on his body. His left arm, forehead and left knee were wrapped in a traditional bandage.

"What has happened to you, Sumedh? Where were you all these months? Where's Arman bhaiya? What's all about the aeroplane crash?"

"Shhh, calm down, Mallika. I'll tell you." Sumedh made her sit on the couch and began to tell her what had happened. The aeroplane has indeed crashed into the sea, however before that Arman and Sumedh managed to escape by using one safety parachute. As both of them shared one parachute which is made for only one person, they were injured and were unconscious when landed harshly on the ground.

When they gain consciousness, they know that they were saved by some people who live on an abandoned island that belongs to no country or government. It is a very tiny island and only one family which consists of 27 people lives there. They were well aware of survival skills, traditional medication and martial arts. They were the ones who saved Sumedh and Arman and treated them as well. It took 3 months for them to gain consciousness and another 3 months for them to find their way home. The island had no phone or signal towers. However, the kind people there, helped them to reach their destination. After reaching his state, Sumedh was first called Mallika. It was he who called from an unknown number yesterday. Arman is now in his hostel and Sumedh came straight home without calling anyone else. When on the way home, he called Pravisht to inform his buddy that he was alright.

Pravisht wasn't able to control his emotions. He cried over the phone and told Sumedh to wait wherever he was. Pravisht and Anika went to pick him up and drove him straight to his house.

"What? Does that mean Anika and Pravisht are here?" Mallika asked.


"What didn't they come in?"

"They are upset about the way you behaved these six months. They told me everything. They understand your state but at the same time, they were hurt that you didn't even let them in or answered their calls." Sumedh said. Mallika felt guilty. She went out of the house and saw Anvisht waiting in the car. She went to the car.

"Pravisht, Anika, I'm sorry for what has happened. I didn't do any of it intentionally. I was just.. maybe... Mentally unstable."

"Don't say that, idiot! You're not!" Anika frowned with tears in her eyes.

"Then come inside! Please!" Mallika pleaded.

"Fine, we will. But not for you, but for our junior champ in your womb and Anika's" Pravisht said.

As Anika got out of the car, Mallika saw Anika with her belly for the first time. Tears weld up in her eyes. She hugged Anika from the side and caressed her belly, and so did Anika.

All four friends were finally together after so long. Again, Sumellika's house was filled with laughter and happiness. Soon, Mallika's family came there after they knew the news.

Ruby suggested that they to conduct a yagna at their house to prevent evil eye and a baby shower ceremony for both Mallika and Anika. Everyone was fond of this idea and they agreed to it.


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