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It's a day before Anvisht's wedding. The Haldi ceremony was conducted in the morning when Anika and Pravisht were in their respective houses. Anika wore a plain yellow lehenga with a white shawl whereas Pravisht on the other hand was shirtless but wore a yellow dhoti. Their places were decorated with beautiful yellow flowers as usual by our lovely Sumedh and Mallika. Anvisht were fully covered with the thick and fragrant turmeric paste. Of course, the purpose of the Haldi ceremony is to beautify the bride and groom for their big day, right?

After the ceremony, the relatives were busy cleaning the house while Mallika was helping Anika to remove the stains. Compared to Anika, Mallika was more excited about their wedding. Around 3 in the evening after having their lunch, Anika and Mallika slept in Anika's room.

While they were sleeping, Mallika's phone buzzed. But she didn't realize. Sometime later, Anika received a phone call and it was from Sumedh. Confused, Anika answered the phone call. She thought he called her to talk to her, but it was because Mallika didn't answer her phone and he wanted to make sure she was alright.

"Awwww, lover boy Sumedh, your mehabooba, your Jaan, your mohabatein is perfectly alright. She's sleeping now, do you want me to wake her up?" Anika asked.

"No that's alright, let her rest. I'm sure she's tired. But, has she eaten? She always skips her meals!"

"Haan Baba, she already ate! Don't worry. You both also take a rest okay? And take care of my man." Anika chuckled.

"As you say, Anika ji!" Sumedh smiled and hung up the call. Then, he lay on the bed with his right arm above his bed.

"I miss her!" He murmured and hide his face in a pillow. Pravisht came there at the right time and slapped his butt.

"Do you remember your old self saying that 'I would not miss anyone or wait for them to talk to me! I'm a chill person!" Pravisht imitated Sumedh.

"Where did that guy go?" Pravisht teased him.

"Fine, I agree. But I didn't know being in a relationship would change me! Not talking to her a day, or not receiving at least one message per day makes me feel incomplete." Sumedh pouted.

"That is what we call Love! You'll never understand it until you experience it. Last time, you mocked me for being clingy when I wasn't able to talk to Anika. Now, when you're in love, you are repeating what I did. That's all! All this will make your relationship and bond even stronger." Pravisht tapped Sumedh's cheek softly and went to take a short nap. Sumedh lay on his tummy wondering how his life changed drastically. But he loves this change.

That night, Sumedh went to Anika's house to meet Mallika. Mallika was busy making some masala tea as she also misses Sumedh. Thus, she makes some chai which is his favourite for her to feel his presence. All of sudden, Mallika felt a great force pulling her backwards by her shoulder. Her back collided with a well-built chest. Just by inhaling his fragrance, Mallika knew who it was.

"Sumedh!" Mallika turned excitedly. Mallika took her palm and kissed it while inhaling the smell of the cardamoms.

"Will I get a chai too?" He whispered in Mallika's ears. Mallika rolled her eyes and placed the tumbler on the table fastly.

"After all these hours of not talking and seeing, all you care about is your darling chai!" Mallika said.

"Huh? It was me? I called you but you didn't pick up the call. You didn't reply to my text messages and now suddenly I'm the one wrong!" Sumedh pouted.

"I was busy, Sumi!" Mallika knew that he was kinda pissed off.

"Busy that you can even forget me?"

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