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"Can I ask you someth-" Sumellika asked in unison.

"What is that?" Sumedh asked.

"No, you ask first!" Mallika said but Sumedh denied.

"Ladies first! Thus, you should go first. What was that?"

"Uhm... Can I know why were you addicted to those things? I mean, now you're completely different, but I'm just curious to know about your past. Tell me only if you're comfortable! I'm not forcing." Mallika said.

"Okay.. I was about to say this. But, before that I need assurance."

"Assurance for?"

"That, you will not judge me!" Sumedh said shutting his eyes tight. Mallika just smiled faintly. She reached for his baby finger and locked it with hers.

"Pinky promise! I won't judge!" Mallika said with a smile.

"Okay, so the reason.. I... Uhm, wait. Mallika Ji, in your opinion, what is virginity?" Sumedh asked.

"Virginity has nothing to do with the body. It's all about the heart. As long as you're loyal to one person during that relationship, you are definitely a virgin." Mallika said and her answer gave a big relief to Sumedh. He took a deep breath and narrated his past to Mallika.

"There are two times I fall in love truly. One did work for some time, whereas the other one rejected my proposal."

"So, which relationship made you addicted to those bad habits? What does it have to do with virginity?"

"The first one.. I.. I was in a physical relationship with my ex-girlfriend, Meera." Sumedh choked, feeling guilty about his past actions. Mallika was just listening to him with a neutral expression.

"Everything was fine in our relationship. I thought she was the one for me. The love I had for her was beyond my imagination. Just like you and Anika, I thought my first love would last forever. And that is why I shared intimacy with her. Unfortunately, a bad turn took when she decided to break up with me. I didn't get a proper reason for a breakup from her. At once, I felt like the whole world has turned upside down. Since then, I am afraid of physical touch, even hugs. I only want to give those to someone who will be till the end of my life. But, fate takes a different direction for different people. To get rid of the guilty feeling of being physical with someone that's not with me forever, I've been addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, and some kind of drugs." Sumedh said as a tear droplet rolled down his cheek.

"A few years later, I crushed on my friend. This was the girl, both I and Pravisht liked. I thought she would accept my proposal as we were good friends. But she rejected my proposal with just a single question. 'How should I share lust with someone I've been friends with?' I asked for her love, not to share my bed. As I said, after my first love, I was afraid of physical touch, I wanted to love. I wanted someone to be with me forever! After that, my habits still continued, until Sumedh passed that pearl likes words of yours to me, which became my eye-opener. Since then, I never touched any of them. Purely clean!" Sumedh said.

"Are you okay, Mallika? I'm afraid that you'd judge me. Even if you do, there's a reason. A pervert I was." Sumedh said guilt occupying his heart.

"Shut up Sumedh!" Mallika said while grabbing a glass bottle filled with juice from Pravisht's basket.

"Let me ask you a question. When you were physical with that girl, did you have her permission? Or did you force yourself on her?"

"No, we both were bound to that decision." He said.

"Then? Why are you blaming yourself? You thought that you will spend your entire life with her, thus you gave yourself to her. That's it. If you ever forced her, I myself shall slap you right here. When she herself doesn't feel bad and walked out of your life, why are you feeling guilty? You're not a pervert, okay? Stop saying such things about you! I hate it!" Mallika said serving herself a cup of that juice.

"Next, that girl who raised such a question when you proposed to her must be dumb. If life is a book, and love is a chapter, then lust shall be on the last page, last sentence, last line, and the last word before the full stop. There are many more things to do in love. Care, devotion, loyalty, understanding, romance, and more! You literally spoiled yourself for these two girls. But mark my word. These two girls have missed a gem in their life. No matter how hard they try, they are never gonna get someone like you ever again. You should live like a king, making them realize what they had lost!" Mallika said. Her words ease his heart and her mindset gave confidence to him. With her magical words, she removes his guilt feeling and makes him a better person mentally.

"Honestly speaking, I feel so much lighter now, Mallika Ji! I never thought any girl would ever understand me. Once hearing a guy has slept with another girl, they would downgrade him. But you... You are different. You stand out every time and surprise me with your words." Sumedh complimented her to which Mallika became the brand ambassador of the Ketchup factory.

"It's all about understanding love, Sumedh, I mean.. Love, Life and all." She said while taking a sip of that juice. It taste kinda weird at first, but later on, it was nicer. At the same time, Anvisht came. As soon as she sat, he searched for his bottle of juice. He was dumbstruck when he saw Mallika drinking it.

"I screw it!" Pravisht said biting his fingernails.

"What?" Sumedh whispered to him.

"That juice, that Mallika is drinking, is not only juice, but I mixed it with some vodka!" He said nervously.

"What the-"

"I brought it for myself only. Anika doesn't mind me drinking once in a while when she's around. But, if she knows that because of me Mallika drank it, she would murder me for sure." Pravisht feared his lioness.

"But what can we do now? Mallika is drinking it! How to stop her! She's gonna be so dizzy!" Sumedh felt pity for her.

"Mallika, look what's up there!" Pravisht said. When she turned, Sumedh snatched the bottle from her and have it to Pravisht.

"Dumbos! You just could ask me for it! Why you gotta trick me!" Mallika frowned, resting her head on Anika's shoulder as the vodka slowly started to work on her.

"I gotta move as soon as possible. Look at the effect of the drink on Mallika." Pravisht swallowed hard in fear.

"I think so. Don't worry about Mallika. I'll leave her at her house." Sumedh said.

"So you're not sending her now?" Pravisht smirked.

"I mean... We need to talk right? I mean.. to be good friends, we gotta spend some quality time. If Mallika's parents are back, then we can't meet frequently, right?" Sumedh justified.

"Ohoo.. Fine! Anika, let's go, it's getting late. Let the 'New' Friends have some talks!" Pravisht signaled Anika. Mallika looked at him confusedly.

"Oh! Well, yup. I think we gotta go! You both enjoy!" Anika winked.

"You're leaving me alone!" Mallika frowned playfully.

"Who is my friend then? An alien?" Pravisht asked.

"No.. I mean.."

"I'm leaving you 'alone' with Sumedh! Have some nice conversations okay? Not just have you eaten or what are you doing just like your Instagram texts." Anika teased them.

"Ya ya sure!" Sumedh chuckled. Sumellika went down to send them off and came back to the terrace. Mallika was already getting intoxicated by the alcohol. Her behavior was more goofy and cute compared to her normal state. Sumedh just rested his cheek on his palm adoring her clumsy side. How cute is she when she's making faces at him? He feels so much more comfortable and light in her presence. And so she does.

To Be Continued...
Phewwww... Chapter 25! Didn't know gonna make it until here.❤️

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