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Approximately, in 2 more hours, Sumedh will land at the airport. Mallika decided to decorate the house before leaving to pick him up. She decorated the living room with a few helium balloons with string attached to it. Mallika bought a couple of mugs and a tiny mug that looked similar to theirs. Along with that, she placed Sumedh's favourite Chocolate Cheesecake that she ordered for him on the dining table. Last but not least, she printed out the picture of her Positive pregnancy test and put it in a frame.

After that, Mallika took a hot bath and changed herself into a pink kurti and denim. As she was changing, she was getting so many calls from her family as well as Anvisht. She knows that they are calling her to check whether she's awake or not to pick up Sumedh. But poor them, they don't know that she's wide awake before them. She ignored their calls and when to pray to Krishna as usual.

As she took her car keys, she again got a call from Ruby. She unlocked the main door while answering her call.

"Hi Maa..."

"Mallika..!" Ruby sobbed out loud.

"Maa! Why are you crying? Is everything okay? Maa??" Mallika was tensed. Ruby was unable to talk. Shiva took the phone from Ruby and spoke. He was also crying. With his trembling voice, he managed to say, "Beta, are you okay?"

"Uhm.. yaa papa! I'm okay. What are you talking about?"

"You don't know about the news?"

"What news?"

"Oh god! How will I tell this to you, my child, please turn on the television and watch the news!" Shiva said with the utmost grief.

Mallika's heart was beating faster, not knowing what is her father talking about. When she turned on the news channel, it was a hot buzzing news about the crash of the returning international airline. Yes, the plane that Sumedh was in crashed. However, the cabin crew and passengers were safe due to the safety parachute. It is said that the pilot and copilot are missing. They are highly suspected to be in the crashed plane as there are very minimal chances for them to escape.

All of a sudden, the world seems to be silent to her. Mallika couldn't hear her surroundings. The world turned black for her, as she became unconscious. On the other hand, Shiva on the phone was calling her name but got no response. He was tensed about her daughter's condition.

Not so long since Mallika fainted, Anvisht arrived at her house. They were a crying mess too. They panicked looking at Mallika's condition. Pravisht lifted her and put her gently on the couch. As Pravisht was trying to wake her up, Anika noticed the decorations on the dining table. Anika sobbed out loud. Pravisht sprinted towards his wife to check on her.

"What's wrong, Anika?"

"Pravisht, she's pregnant!" Anika whispered in tears.

"In what kind of circumstances are we getting to know about this good news? On the other hand, Sumedh, my friend. I don't know what happened to him. Why is God too cruel to both of them!" Pravisht punched the table.

"Wake her up, Pravisht! She needs to be okay! Or else it will affect her child too!" Anika said.

Pravisht took a glass of water and sprinkled it on Mallika's face. Mallika weakly opened her eyelids, looking at Pravisht and Anika. Tears brimmed in her eyes looking at them.

"Pravisht, where is your friend? Where is he? He promised me to come home by now, but what's all with the news?" Mallika cried.

"Mallika, it's okay. It's okay, calm down." Anika has nothing to say to her except for this.

"It is not okay, Anika!" She screamed.
"My husband, my husband is de... No, he's missing!" Mallika consoled herself by trying to displace the fact that he was no more.

"Mallika, what do you mean by missing? He's no more dear, you have to accept this fact!" Anika said, patting her back.

"Shut up, Anika! There's no way he's leaving me and my child alone to suffer like this. You know, he doesn't break his promises. He knows how important promises are to me. Thus, he will not break the promise he made to me, that he will be back soon." Mallika said with much innocence.

"Mallika but..." Anika tried to make her understand the fact. She didn't want Mallika to cheat herself which might harm her later on. However, Pravisht stopped her. Now, the most important thing is not making her understand the fact, but giving some time for her soul to process what has happened. Mallika is hurt deeply, she needs time to digest this bitter truth.

Soon, Mallika's family came there, bringing tears and sobs into her house. Mallika immediately got up and asked them not to cry. She wiped her tears and plastered a smile on her face.

"Maa, papa! Don't cry! Sumedh soon will be back. Nothing has happened to him, okay? He has promised to me. Pinky promise! He will surely come back." She said.

Ruby and Shiva were confused. "What are you talking about, beta? I know you're hurt, but Sumedh is dead!"

"STOP THAT! DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY THAT!" Mallika shouted at the height of anger. Her voice brought chills to everyone. No one has ever seen this version of Mallika.

"Mallika, stop shouting! It's not good for your child!" Anika cried.

"What?" Ruby whispered.

"Yes aunty, she's pregnant." Things that should be said with the utmost excitement and happiness are said with the utmost grief and hurt. Ruby hugged Mallika while crying out loud. Shiva has nothing to say. She held Mallika's hand comforting her.

"What kind of curse is this? Oh lord! My daughter's life has been a misery!" Ruby sobbed while Mallika fell unconscious once again.

The news began to spread nationwide. The co-pilot of Sumedh was none other than Arman. Both Sumedh and Arman weren't saved from the crash, unlike the cabin crews and passengers. The authorities weren't able to find out what had happened to them. If they had died, their body has not been discovered yet. If they didn't, where are they now? Thus, for now, the entire nation concluded that Sumedh and Arman are dead.

That night, Mallika woke up the the noise in her house. She felt a hot wave around her. It was all her maternal aunties sitting around her and crying for Mallika's loss. Mallika sat up quickly in confusion.

"What are you all doing here?"

"We came to do the necessary rituals, dear." One of her aunts replied.

"What ritual?"

"Rituals that need to be done to a woman who lose her husband!" Hearing this, Mallika gritted her teeth and punched her fist on the bed.

"I will not repeat myself, he is not dead."

"The truth will not be a lie if you keep faking it, Mallika. Let us just do the ritual, real quick!" Her aunt said while trying to snatch her mangalsutra and wipe her vermilion off. But before they could do that, Mallika ranged in anger and pushed her aunt back.

"I will not tolerate anyone who disrespects my words. Now, everyone just got out of my house. I don't want to see anyone in my house after this. Get lost!" Mallika clutched her hair as if she were some kind of mental health patient. Yet, they didn't want to go. Mallika herself got out the bed and sent them all out, including her family, Anika and Pravisht.
She forcefully pushed them out. The amount of pain and hurt she experienced from a young age slowly has affected her mental health. She understood that no medication or treatment would help her. Except for Sumedh and his love.

But after this, would she ever get that?

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