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A Long Chapter A Head❤️

The following day morning, Sumedh came to Mallika's house and spoke to her parents.

"Namaste maa and uncle! I'm Sumedh and the am the same age as Mallika. We've been friends for almost 9 months. This might sound ridiculous for say I'm in love with someone I know for only 9 months!" Sumedh said.

'Although I know her for years!' He thought and continued to Mallika's parents, "But I believe that love is not about how long we know each other, it's about how much we understand each other and how deep as well as pure are our feelings for that person. I learned this from Mallika. Your daughter is an incredible living human." Sumedh said with a proud smile.

"I thought when I said no, Mallika would hate me and would insist to live with you. But what she did was totally the opposite. I misunderstood her alot." Ruby felt guilty.

With a soft scoff, Sumedh replied. "Mallika used to say one thing maa. Love is when two humans unite, but marriage is when two families unite. Although I don't have a family." Sumedh smiled through his pain.

"What do you mean?" Shiva asked.

"I'm an orphan uncle. My parents left me when I was young. But don't worry uncle, I'm capable of taking care of your daughter. I'll provide everything she wants!" Sumedh said while wiping off the tears formed. Ruby and Shiva instantly felt bad for him and they say next to him, patting his back.

"Money isn't a problem, Sumedh beta. We are not gold diggers!" Shiva joked.

"No, I understand uncle. What am I saying is that even if you ask so, that won't be a problem. Every parent deserves to know how would her daughter live after marriage. Err.. inf act uncle, I have something to reveal. Something that even Mallika doesn't know."

"What's that?" Shiva and Ruby asked in unison.

"I... I"

"He is a potential millionaire, uncle. He is loaded with wealth." Pravisht interrupted their conversation.

"Stop interrupting like that, Pravisht!" Anika slapped his shoulder.

"WHAT?" The old couples were shocked.

"Yes, uncle, and my best friend, Pravisht is the reason. My ambition is to become a  pilot. But during high school, I was just working in Zomato and was only able to pay my education fees. Only then, Pravisht introduced me to his trading business. I saved for a few months and begin to invest. Soon, I was able to learn the skills from him. Once, I don't know if it was my luck or destiny, but I got 50 000 rupees from trading which I invested only 500 rupees. Soon, I trade with the money and begin to save a lump amount for both my career and studies. I completed my course 3 years ago and became a pilot. I saved all the money I earn from being a pilot for future usage. 've been to many continents and countries. This year, I took a break because..."

"Because we wanted to find a girl for him to get married to. But he wanted someone who would love him for his soul and not his material wealth. Thus, pretends to be unemployed. He thought such girls don't exist until he saw Mallika!" Pravisht interrupted again and received a death glare from Anika.

"Maa, I know the problems you've undergone. Mallika told me all. Don't worry maa, I'll adapt to your culture and even learn to speak the language. I don't mind learning new stuff. Besides, no one from my side would ever do mean things to her, of course, I don't have anyone." Sumedh chuckled and continued holding their palms, "Uncle, maa! I would take care of Mallika just like you will do. Will you give her hand in marriage to me?"

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