Ch1. Realms

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Why did I follow her?

Oh right, couldn't just let her go on her own

I didn't know magic was real

Well sorta

Am I dead?

Am I going to die

What happened?

Where is Luz?

Y/n saw a light, with the light a hand reached out to her.

She began to see a shadow, a tall shadow.

It had magenta eyes.

The shadow had structures of a male. A boy.

Y/n not knowing what to do, she took it.

The shadow pulled her up.

"Wake up"

Y/n tilted her head in confusion.

"Y/n! Wake up!"

Y/n eyes shot open seeing Luz hovering her.

"Ay dios mio! You scared me! I thought you died! But you were breathing but you weren't waking up—but anyways you are awake!" Luz babbled hugging Y/n.

"Yeah..Where are we?" Y/n asked.

"I'm not sure..but look!"

Luz pointed to the 'people' around us.

Y/n had a gape. She was speechless, where they were looks like from a fantasy book they've been reading.

"Are we in..a demon world?" Y/n questioned.

"It'll sound cooler if we say 'demon realm'" Luz said.

"What are you two kids doing back here?"

The two teens turned to see a lady with wild big hair.

"Thanks for letting us stay Eda!"  Luz said happily.

"It's nothing, but if you are going to stay here you'll have to do chores and other stuff. I would have said no cause it's two of you. But hey! I'm not THAT mean" She said smiling.

"New roomies!" King shouted hugging Luz's and Y/n's legs.

"Aww you are so adorable!" Luz squealed picking King up.

"I am not! I am a fearless king!" He shouted.

Y/n laughed.

Well at least we have a roof over are heads..

Y/n thought.

"Well kiddos I gotta head out—"

"On a magical mission!?" Luz interrupted.

"Uh no— I'm just going to run some errands. I'll be back later. Watch over King, and I guess clean up a bit. Alright see ya!"

"Can we really trust..Eda?" Y/n questioned.

"Well she let us in her home! I believe so, also she is a witch! A witch Y/n! Maybe we can learn magic here!" Luz said smiling.

Y/n laughed "that would be really cool. What about home?"

"It'll be only a while! It's not like we are staying here forever! Besides, this proves magic is real! We could possibly learn! And be a witch!" Luz said squealing.

"Yeah, you think It'll be difficult since..we aren't like them?"

Luz thought for a second.

"We gotta try! I know we can! Amigas para siempre?"

Luz lifted her fist up so Y/n would hit it.

"Amigas para siempre!"
Friends for ever..

The two girls were sitting outside looking up at the sky. "Is time different back in the human realm?" Y/n questioned.

"I'm not sure, hopefully not. Oh! Maybe time goes slow since the worlds are different!"

Y/n shrugged.

"It happened so fast, first we were wondering in the forest and now we are here. You think..our Mama's will notice?" Y/n asked

"Well we were supposed to go to camp no? I don't think so. I'm not sure.." Luz muttered.

"Well at least we are together" Y/n said smiling.

Luz smiled "yep together! Every since elementary" Luz nudged her.

Y/n laughed. "I think..we will learn magic. This will be a fun experience. As long I have you by my side I will be fine" Y/n said smiling.

Luz blushed. "Haha yep..I wonder when Eda is coming back—"

"Hey kids! Wanna go on an adventure?"

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