Ch33. Past Moments

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-A bit of wholesome moments with Y/n and Hunter before the next chapter won't be wholesome-

"Hunter? Are you down here?"

"Hm? What yeah!"

Y/n was able to hear a sew machine being used.  Y/n walked down the stairs to the basement and saw Hunter sitting at the sewing machine. "Are you sewing?" Y/n asked walking over to him and leaning against the wall beside him. "Yeah, look at this! It's a mystical beasts called wolves!..I love them" Hunter showed her the shirt he sewed.

"Hunter that's awesome..and adorable" y/n said with a yawn wrapping her arms around his neck and settled her head on his head. "'s really cool. You know back in the coven I couldn't do all of this..Sure I had some free time but Belos didn't let me do anything.."

Y/n frowned and stood up, standing back beside Hunter making him look at her. "But Belos is gone. No need to worry about that sick bastard. You're free, and safe with me. And I won't let anything happen to you" y/n said leaning her head against Hunter's.

"Yeah you're right, Belos is gone. And I gotta make sure you're safe too"

"Gah! Hunter!" Hunter swooped his arms around Y/n's waist picking her up and bringing her to the couch.

"I gotta protect my beautiful partner too!" Hunter land on the couch with Y/n besides him. Holding hands. "I'm glad we're together..With you I get to forgot everything else and just think of you and our future" y/n smiled and hugged his side.

Two familiar chirps were heard above them. It was Flapjack and Oliver. They landed right on their laps. "Hello you two little rascals" y/n said putting her palms out so they can jump on it.

"How are you two..?" Y/n asked. Oliver chirped  and so did Flapjack flying to y/n's shoulder and nuzzling into her face.

Oliver flew off her head and flew down on Hunter's lap. "I think..things will go well from now on.." Hunter said petting Oliver's head.

"Yeah..I got to spend the whole summer with the lover" y/n said squeezing Hunter's hand. "you needed this, a break from..everything" y/n said. "You did too"

She shrugged. "come on, Hunter I can't forgive myself for being so stubborn and not being Luz from the start, then I could have been there for you more"

"What do you mean? You've always been there for me-"

"Let me finish." Y/n said grabbing Flapjack into her hand gently. "I..I stupidly went with Michelle to train the power I had and thinking she'll actually have a way for me to go home. I was stupid to think that, I even let her manipulate me, her using me. I..hurt you and Luz. I can never forgive myself for that.."

A few tears escaping her eyes "I could have been with Luz from the start to support her too, but no I mad after what happened on that adventure I went with her. I blamed to what happened to me. And that was stupid. We're friends, best friends! I was supposed to stick with her for our stay at the boiling isles but no! My dumbass runaway and got anyway from everyone!

It wasn't Luz's fault. It was just an accident. I know she didn't mean it. She was just excited about being in the demon realm and so was I. I could have been with her..I could have but..

I wasn't"

Flapjack looking up at y/n who was sobbing a bit. Hunter frowned and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay princess..listen. I know we all went through terrible things..but we're..okay now, we're together"

"I know I messed up with that"

Oh shit..Luz heard that!?

Footsteps were heard walking down the stairs. It was Luz. Y/n turned her head seeing Luz stand in front of Y/n then kneel down placing her hands on Y/n's knees. "Luz it was a-"

"I should have listened to you. I know that, it's my fault that happened to you. And don't protest with me it was my fault. But..I want to make things better. I want to be better"

Luz looked up at y/n "I want to still be your best friend till the end of time. You're very important to me, and I would never want to hurt you. I'm sorry if I have, but..I-"

Y/n covered her mouth. "Luz stop being so hard on yourself. Seriously..It's in the past now. What's important now is the present and the future. And we'll always be together..I'm trying to be sentimental and you're licking my hand?" Y/n said taking her hand away then pressed it on her face.

Luz smiled and dropped her head on Y/n's lap. "You're the best" Luz said.

"You're the best.." y/n patted Luz's head and turned to Hunter leaning against his shoulder. Hunter intertwined his fingers with hers. He blushed as he did making his ears pink. "You're adorable.." Y/n pecked his cheek.

Light snoring can be heard from Luz. "She fell asleep?" Hunter asked. "Ugh you even sleep at night?" Y/n picked Luz up "I'll be back..."

"Need help..?"

"Nah, she isn't heavy at all. I'll be back, I me"

Hunter Smiled "I always trust you"

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