Ch11. Decision

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Hunter pulled y/n from the waist to put her behind him.

Flapjack converted into a staff.

Hunter pointed his palisman at Michelle and stood up.

"Don't you want the better for her? You don't want to see her in pain right?—"

"She hasn't given you permission to take her. So I can't let you take her.."

Michelle laughed

"So what? So you can eventually turn her in to Belos yourself?" Michelle said gripping her palisman.

Y/n took a hold of her palisman.

"Like I'll let that happen.."

Y/n twirled her staff in her hand and pointed it to Michelle.

"Start thinking y/n! Don't you want to go home?"

Y/n's grip on her staff only tightened.

"Back home with your family?...

Back home to Ethan.."

Her grip softened.

"You think I don't know you? Darling please, I know more than you. I know that if you come with me, you'll get home easily. I'm just trying to look out after you..."

Michelle walked closer to them.

"Help you with that power you inherited"

She stepped closer

"Help control it"

She stepped closer

"Help you get home..isn't that you want dearly?"

Hunter scoffed.

"Like she will—"

"Will you actually get me home?"

Hunter turned his head to her seeing she lowered her staff.

Michelle nodded.

Y/n laughed "how? You got the portal key?" Y/n asked.

"No, but I can get it easily..I shouldn't be talking about this with the golden guard here. You ever know he can..snitch"

Michelle made a circular motion with her finger in the air and it made Y/n get pushed towards her.

"Please understand I want to help you Y/n, you want to see Ethan again right? I'd like to meet him too"

Michelle placed her hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"You just met the golden guard didn't you? Already taking a liking to him? May I remind you he works for Belos. He is in the emperor's coven. But yet he does seem like a nice fellow" She said looking at him.

"But being with him will just drag trouble to him..Belos will get furious when he realizes the golden guard is disobeying the Emperor. Things might not go so do care for him right?"

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