Ch41. Nightmares

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The platform began to shake violently, everyone wobbling trying to keep their balance.

"Ah!?" Everyone except Luz and Y/n was getting taken by the collector. "Y/n!?"

"Hunter!" Y/n shouted trying to reach Hunter but he was sucked up into the sky with the rest. "No!—"

"Y/n! Wait!" Luz shouted trying to grab a hold of Y/n but suddenly a black mist covered them separating them. "Luz!?"

"Luz!...oh no..not again. Luz don't leave me! Where are you—gah!?" Y/n stumbled with her balance and the ground below her vanished making her fall into a void. "B-Bea!? I can't- Oliver!? Help! Which is a levitation glyph, no!" As y/n was searching for glyphs in her pocket as she was falling they all flew out. She began to panic.

A chirp was heard above y/n, she immediately looked up and saw Oliver flying down to her. Y/n reached her hand out to the owl's grasp and grabbed the staff, no longer falling.

Holding onto the staff tightly while still shaking she noticed that a forest was being formed below her. "Oh thank god land..where is everyone?"

Y/n hesitantly landed on the ground and realized where she was.

"I'm..back in the forest where I used to live.."


Y/n turned seeing Willow, "Willow! Thank goodness!" She was about to run to her and embrace her but Willow created vines pushing y/n back. "Stay back you monster!"

Y/n groaned as she sat up, her eyes widened as they were planted on the body that laid on the ground..bleeding.


-y/n's pov-

I felt a warm liquid on my cheek and fall down to my hands "gah!? Am i hurt!?" I shouted seeing the blood on my palms. "Don't play dumb.."

I jumped seeing Willow appear behind me. "You killed him.."

No..I would never!

"Look at Him! He's gone! Because of you! We're you supposed to protect us like you said!? You lied! Like you always do! And now Hunter is dead!"

"NO! Shut up! He is not!"

I pushed myself sprinting to Hunter's body seeing he was bleed. But I saw no wound. I cupped his face "Hunter..please, you know I would never hurt you..Ah!?"

I was pulled back by a vine, "but you did! You can't control yourself" I heard Gus say I turned my head looking at him "I-I can! I've been practicing! You know this! Gus!..Hunter isn't even hurt!"


I felt something grab my wrists, I whipped my head around and I was facing Hunter me with tears. "What do you know about hurt!? You are the reason of my hurt! I wish I never met you in that can't control it..your eyes glowing pink. You haven't are just a human you think I'll fall for a human!?"

you are just a human you think I'll fall for a human!?"

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