Ch43. Fight

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I'm alive yes, I apologize for being gone for a while, I've gotten into Harry Potter rn and trying to handle school lol


"Collector! Look out!" Y/n shouted grabbing the tiny figure into her arms. Belos aimed at them and sent a ray of light at them but as it was about to hit them, something stopped it.

Y/n got goosebumps and clenched The Collector tighter seeing what inferred with Belos's attack. Stringbean slithered their way to the figure, glyphs surrounded the person.

"Huh? It can't be.." The Collector muttered. Stringbean flew to the figure and turned into a staff, the figure grabbing it and making the fog around them disappear.

"I'm back!"

Eda, King, Y/n and The Collector had their mouth a gape seeing Luz back.

"Wait no..uh— Couldn't keep me away from—hang on..Ugh! I still can't think of anything to say!"

Y/n smiled widely seeing Luz back "that's Luz alright!"

Eda screamed in joy holding Y/n and King tightly. Luz smiled at them but turned hearing Belos roar in rage.

Luz lifted up her wand making a circle and conjuring a force field around them. Lifting them up into the sky, at a rapid speed. Stopping immediately all over the Boiling Isles "Woah! Still trying to get the hang of this.."

Y/n clenched The Collector in her arms "Yeesh! Can you get any more cooler? Haha" y/n said letting out a nervous laugh.

The skeleton of the Titan began trembling , the Archives shaking about to fall. " oh no everyone is still in there!" Eda worried "Leave them to me!" The Collector squirmed in my grasped "Y/n go with them, they will need all the help they can get we will be fine—Oh!"

Y/n quickly side-hugged Luz "I'm sorry I just really thought you were gone.." Y/n and Luz shared a smiled and then she flew off with the Collector to the archives.

"No no no.. wait y/n move a little.."

"Why? Are you okay— Oh god Collector!—"

"No no I'm fine, I can do this..I just don't want it to spread too you..hold on though!"

Y/n looked back at Luz seeing her enchant spells, blocking the attacks of Belos.

I hope everyone is okay..

As Y/n and the Collector were arriving, Amity and the others were saving as much people as possible. Without magic, Camila began making glyphs for everyone to use.

"No! Collector!" Y/n shouted scared seeing the archives about to fall, but quickly the Collector made ribbons wrap around the structure and keeping it from falling "go go! Go help your friends!"

"But collector—"


The Collector made the platform they were on fly y/n down to the others, the Collector's powers fading the platform disappeared making y/n fall.

She screamed and began frankly looking around for Oliver and saw him flying as fast as his wings could take him.

But the ground was getting closer, but eventually a pair of strong arms caught y/n mid air and teleported them safely onto the ground. "Oh Titan you scared me darling"

Y/n's eyes widened recognizing the voice, she turned her head and there she saw her lover.

"Hunter! Mi amor!" Y/n immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, kissing his face all over.

Hunter overjoyed of seeing her again lifted her up and spun her around, settling her down and kissing her lips softly.

"I've missed you too darn much" he muttered against her lips. "Oh gosh Hunter I thought something happened to you.."

"What is the Collector doing!?" Gus shouted.

"They are helping—"

"Y/n!" Y/n was once again lifted off the ground by two witches who were squeezing her. "Oh my Titan! Thank goodness you are okay!!"

"We were so worried! Are you okay? Where is Luz?"

"I—can I be put down?"

Just as y/n was put down she was lifted up again by Camila, hugging and squeezing her.

"Ay mi niña! Mi niña! Y/n tell me where Luz is, tell me she's okay!"

Y/n turned her head seeing The Collector shaking, struggling to keep the archives from falling.

The platform was shaking "guys guys! I'm fine and so is Luz but let's focus on helping everyone okay!?"


I am SO sorry for updating this late..I've kinda lost interest of this after the show ended..

I've lately been into Harry Potter maybe y'all would want a Severus Snape X Reader maybe?

If you guys want or I've been simping for Miguel O'Hara I have an idea for a fanfic of him.

I'm going to finish but I'm not sure if I'll make another fanfic of Hunter

I don't know, this book has been a journey thank you everyone..sadly this book is coming to an end..

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