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Okay I lied. One more wholesome chapter before the real shit happens. This is taken in the past. I'm sorry. I'm working on the next one.

"Are you nervous..?" Y/n asked Hunter.

The lovers were now in a park waiting for Y/n's brother to arrive. Her mother maybe or maybe not coming.

"Nervous? What? Pfft No! Not at all!"

Y/n gave him a confused face and looked down at their hands, Hunter squeezing her hand tightly. "You'll be fine. They're not gonna hurt you, my brother is nice. Ethan will love to see you again" Y/n said squeezing his hand. He breathed in counting with his fingers and then breathed out.

"Yeah..yeah. I'm overreacting. This will be fine.."

"You sure about that Hunter?"

"I'm trying to be calm Luz!"Hunter shouted turning red and turned seeing Luz behind a bush with Amity and basically everyone else.

"You guys didn't have to come.." Hunter said embarrassed. "Nah we did. We just looking out for you" Willow said holding up her camera smirking.

"And we're here for moral support!" Gus said smiling.

"Hey! Y/n!"

"Oh shit they're coming! Get down!" Luz whispered pushing their heads down.

A small figure ran up to them jumping into Y/n's arms. The tiny being giggled in y/n's arms as she twirling around with him. "Hey bud, I've miss you"

Ethan clasped his hand on y/n's face and kissed her forehead. Quiet 'awws' were heard in bush behind them.

"Miss you too Tia!" Little Ethan said wrapping his small arms around her neck.

"I brought-"

"Hunter!" Ethan reached his hands behind Y/n seeing Hunter behind her.

Y/n turned and gave Ethan to Hunter. Ethan wrapped his arms around Hunter's neck and hugged him.

"Um hey little Ethan. You're growing a lot" Hunter said smiling holding Ethan up. Ethan nodded and played with Hunter's hair. "Can we go play?"

Hunter settled Ethan down, Ethan pulling him towards the playground.

"Damn I was betrayed by my own Nephew" y/n muttered with a laugh. Y/n walked over to the playground where she saw that Hunter was talking to her brother, beside him her mother.

Oh shit

"Hey Hunter" Said Y/n's brother ruffling his hair. "Hi Evan.." Hunter nervously looked at
Y/n's mother and then looked down.
"Hola Hunter"

"H-Hola Señora L/n" Hunter said nervously. Y/n's mother was surprised, unexpected of his response. "Learning Spanish Hm?" Evan asked patting Hunter's head. Hunter nodded.

"That's good. Already tell you're gonna be a great brother in law" Hunter smiled. "Yo no estoy seguro de esto Evan" Y/n's mother said to Evan. I'm not sure about that Evan

"No seas demasiado duro con él" Said Evan.
Don't be to hard on him

Y/n's mother looked back at Hunter, he smiled awkwardly.

"Hola Mami, Evan" y/n said clinging onto Hunter's arm, rubbing his back.

"Want to get ice cream..?" y/n suggested pointing to the ice cream down the block.

"Ice cream! Yes!" Ethan wiggled out of Hunter's grasp and grabbed his father's hand running towards the truck. Y/n intertwined her fingers with Hunter's. Y/n's mother eyeing it.

"Okay Let's go.." y/n muttered and pulled Hunter.

"Espera Y/n"
Wait y/n

Y/n sighed as her mother spoke stopping then. Her mother paused, and spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I've been very rude to the both of you. Mija I'm sorry that our relationship as been terrible. I'll..try and be better, and Hunter. Protect my daughter with everything"

With that she turned on her heel and walked behind Evan.

Hunter exhaled, supporting on his knees. "Oh Titian that was so terrifying.." Y/n patted his back. "She'll warm up to you, I know it. Now come on" Y/n grabbed Hunter's hand. "Let's get ice cream to cool you down"

"That sounds like a great idea my love" Hunter said standing up straight and leaning his head against her's. Y/n quickly pecked a kiss on his lips .

A flash illuminated their features.

"Willow did you get it!?"

"Yes! This is going in the scrapbook!"

"So cute"

"Luz! What the heck!" Y/n shouted stomping over to the bush.

"Hide it hide it!" Y/n stumbled into the bushes fighting for the picture. Hunter chuckled seeing his lover.

Oh Titan I love her so much

Hunter blushed at his thoughts.

"Hey Tio Hunter! Come get ice cream!"


Y/n ran past Hunter, grabbing his hand to the ice cream truck. "Y/n! Get back here!"

"Did you-"

"I got the picture it's mine now! Let's go baby to get ice cream!" Y/n shouted happily pulling Hunter.

After they got their sweets the day went on just nice. Hunter spending family time with Y/n's family. Spending time with his lover, his nephew, brother in law, and yes mother in law.

And that's how the day went.

Idk why I wrote this but what ever. I wanted thanks to them be the 35 chapter. Imma work on it right now . Sorry it took so long. Got a lot of work to do 🧍

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