Ch39. Confess

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"Wake up wake up! Y/n please!"

Y/n's eyes shot open gasping for air. Turning her head seeing Willow besides her. "Oh god Willow.."

Willow embraced y/n in a tight hug. "I was so scared you weren't gonna wake up, and and.."

Y/n cupped Willow's face "it's..ow okay! I'm fine. I'm awake now..hey hey. Look at me and breath with me..

okay better? I know you and everyone else is going through a lot..but hey, we are all together right? And I promise. We will reunite you all with you families. Trust me."

Willow began tearing up, y/n pulled her into her chest caressing her hair.

I will do anything to make you all happy

Willow didn't see but Y/n's eyes were glowing.

"Gus Gus! Wake up! Are you okay!?" Hunter said shaking Gus.

"Huh..What!? Boscha!?"

"No no! It's me Hunter!..we got thrown in here. And I'm pretty sure I saw Kikimora, which isn't good news. I checked that side but it's a dead end-"

Gus got up and turned " right. So this way"

Gus began walking away from Hunter, leaving him sitting alone.

Hunter sighed bring his knees to his chest. "why is it so hard to talk to them now..? Everyone is on edge.."

Hunter dug his face into his hands

I don't know how to tell them they mean so much to me..why have I been so distant!?

Even Y/ y/n. I've been so distant with her since we got her. Oh man she must feel so-


Hunter stopped thinking hearing Gus's yell.

"Gus!?" Hunter ran to where Gus walked to. And saw him trapped in vines. On the other side he saw Willow trapped in slime.

"what the.."

"It's ok it's ok. You're helping! You're helping. Its okay guys! I'll get you out!"

Hunter turned towards the voice and saw it was Y/n.

"y/n..? What's going on?"

Y/n stopped and turned "oh! Hunter!..uh don't worry about them. I'm helping! I just need too- oh no not that. What about- ack!?"

It was Y/n, and she was out of control. Her eyes glowing pink, and as she tried to use magic it got worse.

"I-it's okay Willow! Gus! I'll-I'll"


Y/n turned seeing Hunter getting trapped by vines. Y/n struggled getting up as vines and slime were pulling her down. "H-Hunter I'm coming! I promise I'll save you!" Y/n began pulling the vines out. But it got worse.

Tears streamed down her cheeks "it's..not working. I'm making things worse, like always! I can't do anything!..why can't I do this?..I'm so sorry Hunter. I-I promised I'd protect you..I promised I'd be there for you and I haven't done any of that!"

Y/n shouted as the magic got stronger, vines forming around her.

"I..can't do anything anymore..why!? I was doing so good before..maybe, it would've been better if I stayed in the human realm.. I'll never be good enough. I'm not a good daughter, I'm not a good witch..I can't even be a good enough girlfriend.."

No! I have to do something!

Hunter lit up, an energy running through his veins. Breaking free from the vines that were trapping him,

Save her, and make things better!

Hunter teleported out of the vines, and teleported his way to Y/n. Breaking her free, taking her in his grasp and putting her down. Hugging her tightly.

"No no! Don't ever say those things. I should be the one sorry, you've been holding in so much haven't you? I've been pushing everyone away, and I don't know what to do or how to tell you how much you mean to me.. I'm terrible at this, but please never think that. You are an incredible girlfriend..I'm sorry!" Hunter said, tearing forming from his eyes.

"You mean so so so much to me. I just don't know how to tell you it or how to demonstrate it..please forgive me"

Y/n stared into Hunter's eyes, calming down as he held her hands, squeezing them.


"We're fine! Figure things out! Talk it out!" Willow shouted in the distant breaking free as the vines and slime.

Tears formed in y/n's eyes as she gripped Hunter's hands. "I-I'm sorry, I should have I don't know..talked to you more. Or tried to comfort you..I don't know. I'm sorry Hunter"

Without hesitation Hunter smashed his lips on Y/n's. Her eyes widened.

"Ooh. That's a move~"  Gus teased.

"Gus let them have it!"

Y/n cupped his face, deepening the kiss.

"Uh guys!"

They then separated turning to Gus and Willow. They were pointing at the ceiling of the cave,it was crumbling.

Hunter slide his hand around y/n, pulling her close to him and teleported to Gus and Willow. Pulling them into his grasp. And managed to teleport out of the cave before it collapsed.


They screamed and safely landed on the ground. "Oh my titan we almost died" Gus muttered. Y/n and Hunter clenching each other's hands.

"Wait, Hunter how did you do that?" Willow asked.

"Do what?"

"Oh right! Hunter you did Magic!" Y/n cheered.

"Magic of friendship..?" Hunter questioned.

"No, the Magic of Flapjack!" Willow added happily. Hunter's eyes widened and grabbed them all, teleporting across the grass before a purple blast hit them. They turned and saw Luz holding her staff.

"Sorry! I'm still trying to get the hang of this.."

"Luz has a staff.."

"Why does that make me nervous?"

To remember this date of the premiere of the 2 episode of the owl house in season 3
1/21/23 :)

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