Ch6. Forest

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Y/n stared at him. Not knowing how to respond. "I don't need your pity.." y/n muttered and turned back around to continue her walk.

"I'm not pitying you, I'm serious!" Hunter said placing his hand on her shoulder stopping her.

"Look, i know my uncle wants you for an actual reason. And it's not a good one. You seems like a decent person who doesn't deserve whatever he is planning"

Y/n stared at him confused.

"What the fuck.." y/n muttered.

"You, the golden guard. Nephew of Emperor Belos. Is feeling..bad? And doesn't want me to be captured by Belos. Your Uncle..did I accidentally put poison in your cereal?"

"I don't think you did.." Hunter muttered.

"Are you bullshitting me? You can't be serious" y/n said pushing him off.

"I am! Why can't you take me seriously!?"

"Because you are the fucking golden guard dickhead!" Y/n shouted throwing a plant glyph on the ground to push Hunter back.

Making a run for it.

"H-hey! Titan what is with you with running!" Hunter shouted clenching his staff and teleported.

"Oliver? Oliver where are you!?"

"Hey! Where are you! Why do you always run away!? Thats such a cowardly move"

"That bitch, called me a coward.." y/n muttered.

Oliver chirped in front of her.

"Oh good, what took so long. We gotta go" y/n grabbed Oliver.

As she was about to fly off, an arm whipped around her waist and pulled her down.

She fell back onto the snow, pinned down by hands on her wrists and pinned by magic on her legs.

She opened her eyes to see the golden guards mask.

"You're getting on my nerves.."

"Me? I'm just trying to talk. Maybe like this would work"

Y/n struggled in his grasp. His gripped tighten on her wrists.

Y/n blushed seeing his mask come closer.

He chuckled. "You prefer this?—"

"Alright! Fine! Let's fucking talk, Golden boy"

"Good choice. I was rethinking on turning you in" he eventually let go.

Y/n pushed him off.

"Huh, so you do know know a lot"

"Yeah, it was a mistake to meet her" y/n said turning her head away.

"You haven't told me about what's up with your eye" Hunter said.

"I don't feel like talking about it yet with you" Y/n said.

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